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Monday, July 28, 2014

Hinduism and the Cronides

A mosaic of Dionysus fighting the Indians in the Palazzo Massimo at Rome.
I intend to show through ancient Hindu mythology and writings, that the Hindu gods/goddesses are the same as the Greek-Egyptian Gods and are the same as the Cronides.  To start off, I will give a brief  chart of which god/goddess corresponds to which god/goddess in Greek mythology.  There are various forms of Hinduism as well and I will try my best to explain the differences.  The writings from ancient Greek Scholars such as Nonnos and his Dionysiaca tell the story of the interaction of the ancient Cronides with the Indian people who were considered autochthones to the area.  The main Indian character named King Deriades will be explored further in this blog as the Indians considered themselves to be children of the River and King Deriades would not submit to Dionysus but was instead killed after years of war with Dionysus and his army.  The number of Hindu gods/goddesses are said to be in the millions, but it is their main gods/goddesses that I will concentrate on.  Here are a few of the equivalents:

Zeus- Indra, Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma, Pashupati

Hera - Lakshmi

Dionysus - Krishna

Kali  - Athena

Agni - Prometheus

Ganesh - Hermes

Pavarti - Demeter

In addition to these main gods/goddesses, they often have various other incarnations which almost appear to be different aspects of the same being or perhaps hints at reincarnation in some cases.

Per Wikipedia:

Hinduism is the dominant religion[note 1] of the Indian subcontinent, and consists of many diverse traditions. It includes Shaivism, Vaishnavism and Shaktism[2] among numerous other traditions, and a wide spectrum of laws and prescriptions of "daily morality" based on karma, dharma, and societal norms. Hinduism is a categorisation of distinct intellectual or philosophical points of view, rather than a rigid, common set of beliefs.[3]

by Rita Jean Moran ( and


Celtic Writing System of Ogham

The twenty standard letters of the Ogham alphabet and the five forfeda. The box on the left shows the consonants, and the box on the right shows the vowels (both non-IPA). The letter labelled IA (Ifín) earlier had the value of p. An additional (secondary) letter p is shown as 26th character (peith). Note: This is the vertical writing of Ogham. In the horizontal form, the right side would face downward.

Ogham is an ancient Celtic method of writing that has various legends associated with it.  Per Wikipedia:

According to the 11th-century Lebor Gabála Érenn, the 14th-century Auraicept na n-Éces, and other Medieval Irish folklore, ogham was first invented soon after the fall of the Tower of Babel, along with the Gaelic language, by the legendary Scythian king, Fenius Farsa. According to the Auraicept, Fenius journeyed from Scythia together with Goídel mac Ethéoir, Íar mac Nema and a retinue of 72 scholars. They came to the plain of Shinar to study the confused languages at Nimrod's tower (the Tower of Babel). Finding that they had already been dispersed, Fenius sent his scholars to study them, staying at the tower, co-ordinating the effort. After ten years, the investigations were complete, and Fenius created in Bérla tóbaide "the selected language", taking the best of each of the confused tongues, which he called Goídelc, Goidelic, after Goídel mac Ethéoir. He also created extensions of Goídelc, called Bérla Féne, after himself, Íarmberla, after Íar mac Nema, and others, and the Beithe-luis-nuin (the ogham) as a perfected writing system for his languages. The names he gave to the letters were those of his 25 best scholars.
Alternatively, the Ogam Tract credits Ogma mac Elathan (Ogmios) with the script's invention. Ogma was skilled in speech and poetry, and created the system for the learned, to the exclusion of rustics and fools. The first message written in Ogam were seven b's on a birch, sent as a warning to Lug mac Elathan, meaning: "your wife will be carried away seven times to the otherworld unless the birch protects her". For this reason, the letter b is said to be named after the birch, and In Lebor Ogaim goes on to tell the tradition that all letters were named after trees, a claim also referred to by the Auraicept as an alternative to the naming after Fenius' disciples.

Ogham is sometimes called the "Celtic Tree Alphabet", based on a high medieval Bríatharogam tradition ascribing names of trees to the individual letters. The etymology of the word ogam or ogham remains unclear. One possible origin is from the Irish og-úaim 'point-seam', referring to the seam made by the point of a sharp weapon.[4] 

by Rita Jean Moran ( and



Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Celtic Historical Cycle or Cycle of Kings

The "Mound of the Hostages"

The Historical Cycle is the time period of the legendary High Kings of Tara.  Their history was preserved by the Bards.  It covers the time period from Labraid Loingsech (around 431 BC) to the historical Brian Boru.

by Rita Jean Moran ( and


The Celtic Fenian Cycle

Fionn mac Cumhaill, illustration by Stephen Reid.

The Fenian cycle describes the exploits of the hero giant named Fionn Mac Cumhaill and his warriors from Fianna.  It is the 3rd Cycle of the four major Irish Cycles.  Fionn is famous for his outwitting of another giant by pretending to be his own baby.

The Fianna were a coalition of clans, for the protection of the kingdom, brought together by Cormac mac Art.   A man named Cumhal leads the clan.  He is killed and the treasure of the clan is stolen after the Battle of Knock.  Cumhal's wife, Muirne escapes and has a son named Demna who is later renamed Fionn because of his fair hair.  When he is grown he takes revenge on those who killed his father and recovers the clan's treasure bag and becomes a clan leader.

by Rita Jean Moran ( and


The Celtic Ulster Cycle

"Cuchulain Slays the Hound of Culain", illustration by Stephen Reid from Eleanor Hull's The Boys' Cuchulain, 1904.

The Ulster Cycle (also known as the Red Branch Cycle) is the 2nd of the four great cycles of Irish Celtic history.  It revolves around the heroes of the Ulaid which is now part of Easter Ulster and northern Leinster in Ireland and is said to have occurred around the 1st century AD.

The stories are set around the reign of King Conchobar mac Nessa, who rules Ulaid from Emain Macha.  The most talked about hero is the nephew of King Conchobar, Cu Chulainn who is also known as Cúchulainn.  The people of Ulaid are in conflict with the people of Connachta which are lead by their Queen Medb and her husband Ailill.

The parentage of Cuchulainn is rather strange.  It is said that he is the son of the long gone god Lug (Greek Apollo) who appears to him in a vision later in life when he is injured.  Per wikipedia (and also described in Celtic mythology):

There are a number of versions of the story of Cú Chulainn's birth. In the earliest version of Compert C(h)on Culainn ("The Conception of Cú Chulainn"), his mother Deichtine is the daughter and charioteer of Conchobar mac Nessa, king of Ulster, and accompanies him as he and the nobles of Ulster hunt a flock of magical birds. Snow falls, and the Ulstermen seek shelter, finding a house where they are made welcome. Their host's wife goes into labour, and Deichtine assists at the birth of a baby boy. A mare gives birth to two colts at the same time. The next morning, the Ulstermen find themselves at the Brug na Bóinde (the Neolithic mound at Newgrange)—the house and its occupants have disappeared, but the child and the colts remain. Deichtine takes the boy home and raises him to early childhood, but he falls sick and dies. The god Lug appears to her and tells her he was their host that night, and that he has put his child in her womb, who is to be called Sétanta. Her pregnancy is a scandal as she is betrothed to Sualtam mac Róich, and the Ulstermen suspect Conchobar of being the father, so she aborts the child and goes to her husband's bed "virgin-whole". She then conceives a son whom she names Sétanta.[9]

by Rita Jean Moran ( and



I was just thinking about recycling while taking a break in between my mythology research.  If you really think about it, the average person has always recycled.  Milk bottles were always returned, baby diapers were washed, and any kind of tool or useful item was resold or passed down family lines.

Yes, we had a period of just polluting the Earth in America by just throwing garbage out of a car or dumping, but that changed quickly.  I'm old enough to remember the TV campaigns of the crying "Native American" and the thrust into the Green Movement. 

I also have read about and witnessed first hand, the times that companies would just dump their waste into water or on forest land and cause cancers by this action.   Their smoke stacks would just pump the pollution out into the air.  They still do this, if they can get away with it and have moved industries to other counties with less restrictions on pollutions.

Seems to me the average person in America makes an effort to recycle, everyday. With strong government rules and penalties, most companies don't find it advantageous to do "midnight dumps" into the environment, but some still do and need to be held accountable.

Seems this whole "carbon" footprint thing is a scam though.  Breathing is natural and carbon dioxide feeds the plants.  I don't think the average person in America is to blame for pollution anymore (all though I'm sure there are some slobs still out there).

I've been recycling for a long time.  I think I'm going to add a new garbage bin in the kitchen just for recyclables to see if I recycle more, rather than just taking the item to the large blue recycling bin in the garage.

Only thing left to do is figure out how electronics and disposable baby diapers can be recycled more.  Here is a video from a large recycling company.  I would like to go there and visit one day to see what really happens with all of the garbage.

by Rita Jean Moran ( and


Saturday, July 19, 2014

The Book of Kells

Folio 32v shows Christ enthroned.


The Irish Book of Kells is an illustrated book in Latin of the four Biblical Gospels and includes texts and tables as well.  I found one interesting comment in it about the symbolism of Jesus Christ.

Christ was identified and accompanied by a large number of different symbols, including the fish, the lion, the snake, and the peacock. 

Thames & Hudson, The Book of Kells, Page 50.

by Rita Jean Moran ( and

The Children of Dagda

The Dagda had many children. It is not easy to determine all of their counterparts in Greek mythology because the Greek Zeus had over 150 children.  But there are some obvious examples.

Here is my analysis of the counterparts:

Brigid - Greek Athena

Aengus -unknown at this time.

Cermait - Greek Dionysus

Bodb Derg (successor) - unknown at this time.

Midir - unknown at this time.

I would equate the following Irish Gaelic Gods/Goddesses with the Greek Gods/Goddesses as follows:

Dian Cecht - God of Medicine - Greek Apollo ?

Goibniu - God of the Smiths - Greek Hephaestus

Lir - God of the sea - Greek Poseidon

Lugh - Warrior God  - Greek Apollo

Elatha - Father of Dagda - Greek Cronus

As I am able to find more Celtic literature, I will be able to determine the rest of the equivalents.

by Rita Jean Moran ( and

Underground Palaces of the Tuatha De Danann

It is said the ancient Tuatha De Danann live in the Sidhe or Earth Mounds.  It is also said they are alive and in their underground palaces and are known as the Fairy people.

The Tuatha De Danann, vanquished, but still immortal gods, withdrew into palaces underground; and according to the Celtic belief, as we conclude from the oldest epic literature of Ireland, they dwell there still; but from time to time come forth into the outer world they once ruled over, and wherein they still exercise considerable power, sometimes beneficial, sometimes baneful, to men.  Often, they put on invisibility, one of the characteristic privileges of divinity, and he who receives a token of their good-will or is stricken by their vengeance, sees not the dispensing hand.  Sometimes they appear to mortals in the form of men or animals, chiefly that of birds, and they hold a considerable place in the bardic tales recounting the exploits of the Milesian heroes.

(H. D'Arbois De Jubainville and Richard Irvine Best, The Irish Mythological Cycle and Celtic Mythology, page 150).

The site of the underground palace of the Dagda, as determined by the earliest tradition, is, from an archaeological point of view, one of the most interesting in Ireland.  Of the three great tumuli there, two have been opened, and they each present the appearance of a vast mortuary chamber, now empty.  Frequent mention is made in Irish literature of the underground palace of the Dagda here, at Brug na Boinne.

(H. D'Arbois De Jubainville and Richard Irvine Best, The Irish Mythological Cycle and Celtic Mythology, page 152).

Ogma, the son of Dagda, died at the second battle of Mag-Tured, but Lug and Dagda met their deaths years later.

Ogma was slain at the second battle of Mag-Tured; and the Dagda and Lug met their deaths some years later.  The sons of Mile took possession of the country after several battles were fought, in which the Tuatha De Danann lost a number of their warriors.

(H. D'Arbois De Jubainville and Richard Irvine Best, The Irish Mythological Cycle and Celtic Mythology, page 155-156).

by Rita Jean Moran ( and

Athena, Brigid, St. Brigid

 Stained glass, St. Joseph Catholic Church, Macon, Georgia, 1903

The Greek Athena is the Celtic Brigid who may also be called Danu or Donna, all though Danu may also refer to the mother of Dagda which is the Greek Rhea.  Here is what was written about Brigid who then became the Catholic St. Brigid when Christianity invaded Ireland:

Dana or Donand, also called Brigit, their mother , was the wife of Bress, King of he Fomorians; but she belonged by birth to the other divine race, her father being Dagda, or the "good god," King of the Tuatha De Danaan; she was regarded as the goddess of literature.  Her three sons had in common an only son called Ecne, that is to say, "knowledge or poetry".

(H. D'Arbois De Jubainville and Richard Irvine Best, The Irish Mythological Cycle and Celtic Mythology, page 82).

Brigid was also known by the name Donna.

In medieval Ireland, Brigit has a second name, Dana, or Dona, genitive Danann, Donand.  She is the daughter of the supreme head of he gods of Day, Light, and Life, and is herself the mother of three gods belonging to the same divine group, who are called, after their mother, the gods of Dana.

 (H. D'Arbois De Jubainville and Richard Irvine Best, The Irish Mythological Cycle and Celtic Mythology, page 83).

by Rita Jean Moran ( and


Friday, July 18, 2014

The Celtic Fomorians were Child Human Sacrificers and Pure Evil

The Fomorians, as depicted by John Duncan (1912)

The Fomorians were Gods of Death and equated with the Titans who were defeated by the Tuatha De Danaan (the Cronides).  There were several migrations/invasions to Ireland.  Some claim a woman named Cessair (a daughter of Noah) came to Ireland with a group of women and a few men but was unable to establish a colony.  Next came Partholon and his descendants who established a colony but were wiped out by a plague.  Then came Nemed and his descendants.  They also established a colony but were invaded by the evil Fomorians.  Nemed and his people tried to fight them off and were successful to a point, but were eventually overcome by the Fomorians who demanded 2/3 rds of the babies born each year to the Nemedians be given to the Fomorians for human sacrifice (burnt offering).  The Fomorians were defeated by the Tuatha De Danaan.  Here is what was written about the Fomorians:

The most important feature in the legend of the Fomorians is their war against the gods of the Solar Light and Life, in other words, the Tuatha De Danann.  Monstrous both in size and in shape, some of them having goat's heads, and others only one hand and one foot, they are the Celtic expression of conception identical with those which in Greek mythology, have given birth to the monsters that war against the solar-deities. 

(H. D'Arbois De Jubainville and Richard Irvine Best, The Irish Mythological Cycle and Celtic Mythology, page 54).

The fact that they wore a goat's head is a big red flag to me and resembles the symbolism of the Satanic Baphomet which at times will incorporate Hermes caduceus rather than showing the phallus.

Nemed was also at war with the Fomorians; he fought four battles with them, in each of which he came off victorious.  In the first battle, which appears to be a comparatively modern invention, Nemed overcame and slew two Fomoroian Kings named Gend and Sengand.  The three other battles fought between Nemed and the Fomorians are only mentioned in one of the poems that constitute the earliest Irish records of the ancient literature.  The first was fought in Ulster, the second in Connaught, the third in Leinster.  These are the Battles of Murbolg, Badbgna, and Cnamors.  At one time there existed a detailed account of this war.  The battles between Nemed and the Fomorians were the subject of one of the tales recited by the file, the title of which is contained in the all too brief catalogue preserved to us in the Glosses of the Senchus More; the text itself is lost.

The descendants of Nemed, once deprived of their chief, fell under the power of the Fomorians, and became the victims of frightful tyranny.  The Fomorians had two kings reigning over them:  Morc, son of Dele, and Conann, son of Febar.  The stronghold of Conann, according to  an euphemeristic belief already accepted in Ireland in the eleventh century, was situated in Tory Island, off the coast of Donegal.  Popular tradition has localized other legends of the Fomorians in that island, which we shall refer to later on.  It was here that the Fomorians are said to have established their headquarters.

From this place they commanded the whole of Ireland, and imposed a heavy tribute annually upon the people, namely, two-thirds of the children they had brought into the world within the year and two-thirds of the corn and milk the year had produced.  The tax was levied on the night of Novemeber the First on the feast of Samhain, when summer ends and winter begins-the symbol of Death.  Payment was made in the place called Mag Cetne:  Mag Cetne means the "same plain;" that plain, always the same, whither everything that has life goes, and where the gods of Death hold sway- it is the mysterious land men pass unto after death.

Of the tribute exacted by the Fomorians, the most oppressive, and at the same time the most characteristic, was that which was paid in children.  Here we have a legend analogous to the Attic myth of Theseus and the Minotaur.

...that, at certain periods, the new-born children of Ireland paid this tribute to Death; some carried off by a natural death from the love of their parents, others immolated as a sacrifice to the gods of Death, in obedience to the dictates of a cruel religion.

The Fomorians are the gods of Death, of Night, and of Storm, the elder of the two divine groups that share the veneration of the Celtic race.  The Tuatha De Danann, gods of Life, of Day, and of Sunshine, were the younger of the two, if we accept the dogma of the Celts, according to which night precedes the day.
(H. D'Arbois De Jubainville and Richard Irvine Best, The Irish Mythological Cycle and Celtic Mythology, page 56-58).

The mention of another God whose symbol was that of a bloody crescent is given.  This god was not a Fomorian God, but also was given child sacrifices.  The red crescent is a symbol of Islam, today. Here is what was written:

The Fomorians were not the only gods who received a tribute of children in Ireland; at a remote period an identical tribute was exacted by a god whose monumental image seems to have passed into history.

"Here" says the old treaties "was a great idol...called the "Bloody Curb" or the "Bloody Crescent," Cromm- Cruach; it gave power and peace in every province.  Pitiful evil the brave Gaels used to worship it; they asked fair weather of it, for a portion of the world.
(H. D'Arbois De Jubainville and Richard Irvine Best, The Irish Mythological Cycle and Celtic Mythology, page 59-61).

The Fomorians were evil to the core and I'm glad they were defeated long ago.  However, we still have remnants of their seed on this planet doing the same evil things in dark forests.  Their time is up and they too, must be exterminated.

Celtic mythology is one of the hardest mythologies to research.  It has been a lot of digging to find the ancient writings of Ireland and I still have only found a compilation that I was able to purchase online.  I know there are other writings closer to what really happened in ancient Ireland and that probably identity even more details of the wars of Zeus.  I believe this information is being kept quiet and if certain religious factions could get their hands on these ancient books, they would burn them to destroy the truth of the past and prevent the public from finding it out. 

 by Rita Jean Moran ( and


Thursday, July 17, 2014

Irish Celtic God Cermait is Dionysus-Osiris

High Kings were traditionally installed on the Hill of Tara. The Lia Fáil (pictured) which tradition says shouted the rightful king's name when he placed his foot on it

The Irish Celtic God Cermait (Cearmaid) is the equivalent of the Dionysus-Osiris.  Per wikipedia:

In Irish mythology, Cermait (modern spelling: Cearmaid) of the Tuatha Dé Danann was a son of the Dagda. He was known by the epithet Milbél (honey-mouth. See also Ogma). He was killed by Lugh after he had an affair with Lug's wife. The Dagda cried tears of blood for his son. Cermait's three sons, Mac Cuill, Mac Cecht and Mac Gréine, avenged his death, and went on to become joint High Kings of Ireland.

This would then mean that Lugh is the equivalent of the Greek Prometheus and his story does match Prometheus.  Lugh is also a Celtic Trickster God, just like Prometheus.

Please notice the "Cear" in the Cearmaid name which is part of the word Osiris and Caesir, Czar, and Kaiser.  They sound the same because these bloodlines came from Dionysus-Osiris.

by Rita Jean Moran ( and


Dagda is Zeus and The Irish Cycles

The Dagda

In the Irish book, The Irish Mythological Cycle and Celtic Mythology, the five migrations to Ireland are discussed.  It is also stated that Dagda is Zeus:

In Ireland, the Tuatha De Danann, together with Partholon and Nemed, who on some points are the counterparts of the Tuatha De Danaan, have as their rivals the Fomorians.  Dagda (Dago-devo-s, "Good God"), king of the Tuatha De Danaan is the Zeus, or Ormazd of Irish mythology; the Tuatha De Danaan, or "folk of the god (devi), (son) of Dana," are none other than the Deva of India, the gods of Day, the Light, and of Life.  The Fomore, or Fomorians, who are the adversaries of the Tuatha De Danann, represent in Ireland a mythical group corresponding to the Indian Asura, and the Greek Titans; their chief Bress, Balar, or Tethra, is sprung from a mythical conception, originally identical with that which produced the Greek Kronos, the Iranian Ahriman, the Vedic Yama, King of the Dead, Father of the Gods; Tvashtri, God the Father in the Vedas, and the Vedic Varuna, old Supreme God supplanted by Indra.
(H. D'Arbois De Jubainville and Richard Irvine Best, The Irish Mythological Cycle and Celtic Mythology, page 9).

Tethra, chief of he Fomorians, overcome in the battle of Mag Tured (Moytura), becomes King of the Dead in the mysterious region they inhabit across the water (1).  So also the Greek Kronos, overcome in the battle between Zeus and the Titans, reigns in the distant Isles of the All-Mighty or the Isles of the Blest, over the dead heroes who fought at Thebes and Troy.
(H. D'Arbois De Jubainville and Richard Irvine Best, The Irish Mythological Cycle and Celtic Mythology, page 9).

So you can see here that the Celtic Dagda has been named as the equivalent of Zeus and the leader of Tuatha De Danann.  The cycles consist of five migratory invasions into Ireland.  They include
the Mythological cycle that includes the race of Partholon and the subsequent  Fomorian invasion and the Tuatha De Danann invasion , the Ulster cycle, the Fenian Cycle and the Cycles of the Kings.

The Fomorians were said to be giants.  They battled with the Tuatha De Danaan and lost.  The name Tuatha De Danaan comes from the goddess Dana.  Dana is sometimes associated with Brigid who was a daughter of Dagda and would be the equivalent of the Greek Athena.  She was married to Bress, the King of the Fomorians and had 3 sons.  This is different from the Greek Athena who was said to remain as a Virgin goddess, but it is possible that her life changed as time went on and Greek mythology remembers her before her marriage.

The name Tuatha De Danann means "folk of the god whose mother is called Dana," genitive Danann or Donand.  Dana, nominative Donand in Middle-Irish is elsewhere called Brigit; she is the mother of the three gods who are known sometimes as Brian, Iuchar, and Uar, at other times as Brian, Iucharba, and Iuchair.  These three mythical beings are the gods of art and literature - dei dana, or the gods, sons of the goddess Dana, dee Donand.

(H. D'Arbois De Jubainville and Richard Irvine Best, The Irish Mythological Cycle and Celtic Mythology, page 81-82).

The Tuatha De Danaan battled and won against the Fomorians and Fir Bolgs in the Battle of Mag-Tured.  It was won thanks to the help of the smith gods that included Goibniu who made the Tuatha De Danaan fresh and strong weapons.  Goibniu would be the equivalent of the Greek Hephaestus.

by Rita Jean Moran ( and


Celtic Mythology and the Cronides

Cuchulainn carries Ferdiad across the river

Celtic Mythology is complex because there are different versions of it based on which Celt you are referring to.  There are Gauls, Irish Gaelic, Welsh, Scottish Gaelic, and Celtic-Iberian gods and goddesses.  Each group has their own names and differences, but most are really the same in each Celtic culture to another Celtic culture.  For purposes of Celtic Mythology analysis, I will probably stick mostly with the Irish Gaelic mythology.

The Irish goddesses were often shown with spirals and triple moon symbolism (a symbol of the Greek Goddess Hecate). There are a few books regarding Irish mythology but they have been corrupted with Christian theosophy and so careful analysis must be made when using sources such as The Irish Mythological Cycle and Celtic Mythology and The Book of Kells.

The Dagda is the "all father" god of the Celts and his description appears to match that of Zeus; however, there are many variations in his story that must be examined.  In the next several blog articles, I will attempt to show that many of the Celtic gods are the same as the Greek Gods which are the Cronides.  I am not the only one who has noted this similarity between Celtic and Greek-Roman mythology.  Julius Caesar also noted it and wrote about it.

by Rita Jean Moran ( and


Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Carbon is the Flower of Life

The element of carbon has 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6 electrons.  Almost all life forms on this planet are made from carbon.  Please look at the geometrical shape of carbon and compare it to the ancient flower of life to understand that carbon is the Flower of Life:

Some allotropes of carbon: a) diamond; b) graphite; c) lonsdaleite; d–f) fullerenes (C60, C540, C70); g) amorphous carbon; h) carbon nanotube.

The Flower of Life.
This is a very ancient symbol and there is no mystery here.  The people of the ancient world were advanced in science and their descendants passed on the information through symbolism.  The knowledge was coveted by the priests who must pay the world back for their crimes against humanity, now.

by Rita Jean Moran ( and


Sunday, July 13, 2014

Chicago Cab Service After Dark Is Really Bad - Be Warned


I went to a concert on Friday and all was good until we tried to get a cab back to the hotel. None of the cabs would pick anyone up. I called twice and was told one would be there in 15 minutes. After an hour of trying to flag down 5 empty yellow cabs who refused to pick anyone up (even after pulling over to the side), I was finally able to flag down a limo.

To make things worse, there were 5 panhandlers bugging all of us for money, a bunch of cops who told us to walk down the streets of Chicago and hope we find a cab, and the lights shut off. I should have called the hotel for a ride back or pre-arranged the ride.

The moral of the story is that Chicago cab service is really bad after dark in the Windy City. The cops are worthless if you are in distress and couldn't come up with a solution to help the dozens of people stranded at the United Center hoping for a cab.

Thank goodness for Ali the Limo driver. Still had a great time though. Just learned a lesson about the cabbies in Chicago.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Haunted Chicago Congress Plaza Hotel

As always, I'm doing research on something.  Enjoy the video on the haunted Chicago Congress Plaza Hotel:

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Final Proof that the Sumerian Tiamat was a Woman and Not a Planet

The Pacific Ocean - The Sea Water was Symbolic of Tiamat who settled in Tyre

This is the final proof needed from Sumerian mythology to show that Tiamat was a woman and not a planet:

(Then Marduk addressed him, saying)

'Father, don't stay so silent, open you lips,
Let me go, and let me fulfill your heart's desire.
Anshar, don't stay so silent, open your lips,
Let me go, and let me fulfill your heart's desire.'

(Anshar replied)

'What kind of man has ordered you out (to) his war?
My son, (don't you realize that) it is Tiamat, of womankind,
who will advance against you with arms?'

(Marduk answered)

'Father,  my creator, rejoice and be glad!
You shall soon set your foot upon the neck of Tiamat!
Anshar, my creator, rejoice and be glad,
You shall soon set your foot upon the neck of Tiamat.'

(The Epic of Creation from Myths From Meosopotamia by Stephanie Dalley page 243.)

While I realize that interpretations of the ancient Sumerian-Babylonian mythology can vary, this is clear enough. Tiamat was a woman murdered by her great-grandson and that ushered in the patriarchy that changed into Paganism and then into all the Abrahamic religions including Satanism.

Even though Zechariah Sitchen brought a lot of interest back to the Sumerian mythology, I have to wonder if he deliberately misled the people because the secrets of the past are well hidden and well guarded.  This was a Patriarchy formed on the murder and mutilation of an elderly man and an elderly woman.

by Rita Jean Moran ( and

Monday, July 7, 2014

The Sumerian Gods were the Same as the Cronides and they were Caucasoid

I have shown how these ancient gods/goddesses from Sumer are the same people as the Cronide family I have been writing about.  These people were originally from Tyre and Crete.  They spread their kingdoms/queendoms all over the world and travelled via ships (proven through ancient literature I have exposed and the petroglyphs that I found in Nevada) on the waterways to the entire world to end savagery and cannibalism (shown in my books and hundreds of articles I've been writing on both of my blogs).  None of them were little grey aliens or hybrids.  They were human, albeit they may have been a different human species or exhibited strange skull characteristics due to excessive inbreeding.

They were described as fair and bright eyed in Sumerian-Babylonian literature and as blonde, red-haired, auburn-haired, and blue-eyed in Greek and Roman literature.  So far, I have shown you the proof of my Mythological Unification Theory through not only quoting ancient literature that directly says Dionysus is Osiris, but I have shown you through comparative mythology that the Cronides I have been revealing to all of you, are the same people that are the ancient gods/goddesses of Egypt, Sumer, Greece, Rome, and the Nordic lands.

I will move on to Celtic, Hindu, Mesoamerican, South American, Native American, Aborigine, and various Asian mythologies next, to show you they are all referring to this ancient Cronide family.  After this, I will then show you how this ancient family is encoded in the Bible.

Lastly, the contested Sumerian plate of Enlil with an alleged 10th planet called Nibiru is probably more a diagram of Saturn and all of its moons that they could see.  I've already shown you through the literature that Nibiru/Neberu was a star and not a planet and it was associated with Anu-Uranus and not Cronus-Enlil.  It's time to take a better look at the pop culture surrounding the ancient Sumerians and not fall for the hype.  That so called 10th planet looks more like a Jewish Star of David than it does a planet and the hexagram/Star of Remphan was a symbol associated with Cronus who did do human sacrifice of his own children.

Sitchin posing with an enlarged, purported 6000-year-old cylinder seal impression

Hexagram in Islamic stonework at the Qutb complex, Delhi, India

by Rita Jean Moran ( and


The Sumerian Enki is the Greek Zeus



The Sumerian God Enki is the Greek God Zeus.  His children in Sumerian mythology match those children in Greek mythology.  His murdered son, Dumuzi, matches the murdered Dionysus, son of Zeus.  His father Enlil (Cronus) is overthrown by a rebellion, just as Cronus is overthrown in Greek mythology.

Enki helps create a slave race, just as Zeus did.  Enki has affairs with many women including Ninhursag and her daughter, just as Zeus did with Demeter and Persephone.  Enki is a water god and god of wisdom which are all associated with agriculture.  This is the early adulthood of Zeus when he was learning from his father Cronus, the methods of farming. His symbols include the phoenix and the bull, just as Zeus includes the eagle/phoenix and bull as his symbols.  Enki's other symbols include water (irrigation) and an ibex (goat-lamb) which matches the ibex's of Crete and their irrigation and advanced piping systems where Zeus initially took up residence.

Without a doubt, Enki is the Greek Zeus.

by Rita Jean Moran ( and


The Sumerian Utu is the Greek Apollo



The sun god and god of justice of Sumer was Utu (also known as Shamash).  Brother of Inanna and Dumuzi just as Apollo was brother to Aphrodite and Dionysus, his description matches that of the Greek god Apollo.  He was the law giver as well.

Celtic Crosses (the sun symbol of Utu-Shamash)

by Rita Jean Moran ( and


The Sumerian Dumuzi is the Greek Dionysus

The marriage of Inanna and Dumuzid

One of the lovers of Inanna/Ishtar was Dumuzi.  He was killed by several other people as talked about in Sumerian-Babylonian myth entitled, The Dream of Dumuzi.  In it he tells his sister-wife, Geshtinanna about a bad dream he had regarding his murder (sounds like Balder's dream from Nordic mythology).  She does not want to hear it but tells him it is a bad sign.  At the end of the poem, Dumuzi is accosted by several men and murdered. This is the only Sumerian God that is murdered just as Dionysus-Osiris and his other names was the only God who was murdered.  The description of the murder involves being bludgeoned to death as opposed to the Egyptian story of Osiris being locked in a coffin to die and the Nordic story of the mistletoe arrow killing Balder.  But there is only one God that is murdered in all mythologies by a group of men and so I conclude that Dumuzi is the Greek Dionysus.  Here are some passages from the ancient Sumerian-Babylonian myth, The Dream of Dumuzi:

The galla surrounded Dumuzi.
They bound his hands; they bound his neck.
They beat the husband of Inanana.
Dumuzi raised his arms to heaven, to Utu, the God of Justice,
and cried out:

"O Utu, you are my brother-in-law,
I am the husband of your sister.
I am the one who carried food to the holy shrine.
I am the one who brought wedding gifts to Uruk.
I kissed the holy lips.
I danced on the holy knees, the knees of Inanna.

Change my hands into the hands of a gazelle.
Change my feet into the feet of a gazelle.
Let me escape from my demons.
Let me flee to Kubiresh!"

Dumuzi escapes but is found again and beaten to death by the men who attacked him.

The galla climbed the reed fence.
The first galla struck Dumuzi on the cheek with a piercing nail,
The second galla struck Dumuzi on the other check with the shepherd's
The third galla smashed the bottom of the churn,
The fourth galla threw the drinking cup down from its peg,
The fifth galla shattered the churn,
The sixth galla shattered the cup,
The seventh galla cried:
"Rise, Dumuzi!
Husband of Inanna, son of Situr, brother of Geshtinanna!
Rise from your false sleep!
Your ewes are seized! Your lambs are seized!
Your goats are seized! Your kids are seized!
Take off your holy crown from your head!
Take off your me-garment from your body!
Let your royal sceptre fall to the ground!
Take of your holy sandals from your feet!
Naked, you go with us!"

The galla seized Dumuzi.
They surrounded him.
They bound his hands.  They bound his neck.

The churn was silent.  No milk poured.
The cup was shattered.  Dumuzi was no more.
The sheepfold was given to the winds.

(Inanna Queen of Heaven and Earth Her Stories and Hymns from Sumer by Diane Wolkstein and Samuel Noah Kramer pages 81-84.)

by Rita Jean Moran ( and


Sunday, July 6, 2014

The Sumerian Inanna/Ishtar is the Greek Aphrodite



Greek Aphrodite
The story of the Sumerian-Babylonian Inanna/Ishtar is a story of a liberated woman who had many partners and many children as her male god partners did.  Inanna had a lover named Dumuzi who was killed.  He was a shepherd.  Dumuzi is the equivalent of the Osiris-Dionysus and the story of the affair of Dionysus and Aphrodite is recorded in mythology.  He wanted to marry her daughter, Beroe, but she was given to Poseidon.  Per Wikipedia here are the many lovers and children of Aphrodite (should include a son with Hephaestus per ancient Greek literature but information is missing):

Consorts and children

  1. Hephaestus
  2. Ares
    1. Phobos
    2. Deimos
    3. Harmonia
    4. Adrestia (or Adrasteia (nymph) or Adrasteia (goddess))
    5. The Erotes
      1. Eros[3]
      2. Anteros
      3. Himeros
      4. Pothos
  3. Poseidon
    1. Rhode (possibly)
  4. Hermes
    1. Tyche (possibly)
    2. Hermaphroditos
  5. Dionysus
    1. The Charites (Graces)
      1. Thalia
      2. Euphrosyne
      3. Aglaea
    2. Priapus (N.B. Some say that Adonis, not Dionysus was the father of Priapus)[21]
  6. Zeus
    1. Tyche (possibly)
  7. Adonis
    1. Beroe
    2. Golgos[21]
  8. Phaethon (son of Eos)
    1. Astynoos
  9. Anchises
    1. Aeneas
    2. Lyrus
  10. Butes
    1. Eryx
  11. unknown father
    1. Meligounis + several more unnamed daughters[22]
    2. Peitho
As you can see, she had four children with Dionysus.  This behavior was common among her brothers in all mythologies (multiple partners) and in all mythologies, there is only one goddess that fits this characteristic and that is Ishtar/Inanna/Aphrodite and all of her other names in other mythologies.  She is listed as having over 20 children.  It was common for women to have over ten children 100 years ago and is still common in non-developed parts of the world so this is entirely possible.  Whereas her male god counterparts would have hundreds of children because they had hundreds of partners.

Inanna was said to be very fair and beautiful and seductive and only one man rejected her and that was Gilgamesh who is the equivalent of the Greek Heracles.  It seems ancient Iraq worshipped her very much as compared to other parts of the world.  Aphrodite was said to live in Cyprus which is an island off of the land of modern day Israel and not far from Iraq.

Dr. Sameul Noah Kramer with the co-work of Diane Wolkstein wrote a whole book deciphering the Sumerian texts associated with this goddess entitled, Inanna Queen of Heaven and Earth Her Stories and Hymns From Sumer.

Her parents are listed as Nanna and Ningal who are children of Enlil and Ninli just as Enki is a child of Enlil and Ninlil (listed in previous myths I have shown on this blog).  I believe Nanna the moon god is another name for Enki.  She is listed as the goddess of love and war just like Aphrodite and is also referred to as "Queen of Heaven and Earth" in Sumerian mythology.

All though she has an affair with Dumuzi, Dumuzi has a wife named Geshtinanna who is the "Lady of Wine."  I believe Geshtinanna is the equivalent of Isis-Ariadne.  Also her brothers are listed as Utu the Sun God (Apollo) and Gilgamesh (Heracles) which is correct per Greek mythology as they were half-brothers to her with a common father Zeus (Enki).

Here are some passages from the ancient Sumerian tales of this goddess from the tale of The Huluppu-Tree:

As the birds begun to sign at the coming of the dawn,
The Sun God, Utu, left his royal bedchamber.
Inannna called her brother, Utu, saying:
"O Utu, in the days when the fates were decreed,
When abundance overflowed in the land,
When the Sky god took the heavens and the Air God the earth,
When Ereshkigal was given the Great Below for her domain,
The God of Wisdom, Father Enki, set sail for the underworld,
And the underworld rose up and attacked him....

At that time, a tree, a single tree, a huluppu-tree
Was planted by the banks of the Euphrates.
The South Wind pulled at its roots and ripped at its branches
Until the waters of the Euphrates carried it away.
I plucked the tree from the river;
I brought it to my holy garden.
I tended the tree, waiting for my shining throne and bed.

Then a serpent who could not be charmed
Made its nest in the roots of the tree,
The Anzu-bird set his young in the branches of the tree,
And the dark maid Lilith built her home in the trunk.
I wept,
How I wept!
(Yet they would not leave my tree.)"

Utu, the valiant warrior, Utu,
Would not help his sister, Inanna.

As the birds began to sing at the coming of the second dawn,
Inanna called to her brother Gilgamesh, saying:
"O Gilgamesh, in the days when the fates were decreed,
When abundance overflowed in Sumer,
When the Sky god had taken the heavens and the Air God
the earth,

When Ereshkigal was given the Great Below for his domain,
The God of Wisdom, Father Enki, set sail for the underworld,
And the underworld rose up and attacked him.
At that time, a tree, a single tree, a huluppu-tree
Was planted by the banks of the Euprhates.
The South Wind pulled at its roots and ripped at its branches
Until the waters of the Euphrates carried it away.
I plucked the tree from the river;
I brought it to my holy garden.
I tended the tree, waiting for my shining throne and bed.

Then a serpent who could not be charmed
Made its nest in the roots of the tree,

The Anzu-bird set his young in the branches of the tree,
And the dark maid Lilith built hr home in the trunk.
I wept.
How I wept!
(Yet they would not leave my tree.)"

Gilgamesh the valiant warrior, Gilgmesh,
The hero of Uruk, stood by Inannna.
Gilgamesh fastened his armor of fifty minas around his chest.
The fifty minas weighed as little to him as fifty feathers.
He lifted his bronze ax, the ax of the road,
Weighing seven talents and seven minas, to his shoulder.
He entered Inanna's holy garden.

Gilgamesh struck the serpent who could not be charmed.
The Anzu-bird flew with his young to the mountains;
And Lilith smashed her home and fled to the wild, uninhabited places.
Gilgamesh then loosened the roots of the huluppu-tree;
And the sons of the city, who accompanied him, cut off the branches.

From the trunk of the tree he carved a throne for his holy sister.
From the trunk of the tree Gilgamesh carved a bed for Inannna.
From the roots of the tree she fashioned a pukku for his brother.
From the crown of the tree Inannna fashioned a mikku for Gilgamesh,
the hero of Uruk.

(Inanna Queen of Heaven and Earth Her Stories and Hymns from Sumer by Diane Wolkstein and Samuel Noah Kramer pages 6-9.)

In the tale of Inanna and the God of Wisdom, Inanna visits Enki, drinks beer with him and received many "mes" or knowledge to take back with her to her city.  I will delve into this tale more, in a later blog article, but for now here is the confirmation that Inanna is the daughter of Enki:

Fourteen times Isimud answered, saying:
"My king has given them to his daughter.
My king has given all the me to his daughter Inanna."

(Inanna Queen of Heaven and Earth Her Stories and Hymns from Sumer by Diane Wolkstein and Samuel Noah Kramer page 20)

Isimud is instructed to find the holy me and he goes to find Inanna,

Isimud spoke to Inanna:
"My queen, your father has sent me to you.
Your father's words are words of state.
They may not be disobeyed."

(Inanna Queen of Heaven and Earth Her Stories and Hymns from Sumer by Diane Wolkstein and Samuel Noah Kramer page 20)

What is really strange is that these mes were in something called the "Boat of Heaven" and the Boat of Heaven was taken away from Inanna at Enki's command and then recaptured by Inanna by her servent Ninshubur.

Then Enki called to his servant Isimud a second time, saying:
"My sukkal, Isiumud..."
"My king, ?Enki, I stand to serve you."
"Where is the Boat of Heaven now?"
"It is (two quays away from Eridu)."
"Go! Take the fifty uru-giants,
Let them carry off the Boat of Heaven."

(Inanna Queen of Heaven and Earth Her Stories and Hymns from Sumer by Diane Wolkstein and Samuel Noah Kramer page 22).

Inanna takes out the mes and presents them to the people and builds a civilization in ancient Sumer.

So just keep this "Boat of Heaven" in mind when I later talk about the Ark of the Covenant.  Also remember the Mes were taken from Kingu by Uranus.  Something about this Boat of Heaven and the mes smacks of high technology possibly.

In the tale of The Courtship of Inanna and Dumuzi, the relationship between the goddess and the shepherd king is written about quite explicitly along with his death.  I will expound on the story of Dumuzi in another blog article.

It is my conclusion that the Sumerian-Babylonian goddess is Inanna/Ishtar and she is the same as the Greek Aphrodite.  More importantly she was given and managed to keep the mysterious mes and the mysterious "Boat of Heaven" that was not a boat since it was able to be snatched out of a person's hands.

When the wild-haired ekum-creatures seized the Boat of Heaven.

(Inanna Queen of Heaven and Earth Her Stories and Hymns from Sumer by Diane Wolkstein and Samuel Noah Kramer page 21).

by Rita Jean Moran ( and


Friday, July 4, 2014

The Sumerian Anu is the Greek Uranus

There is a story about the Greek God Uranus written by the Phoenicican scholar, Sanchoniathon, about the Greek God Uranus and how he was a violent man and a trouble maker.  When you compare the story by Sanchoniathon to the Sumerian-Babylonian Atrahasis and The Epic of Creation, the similarities become obvious.

But Ouranus, taking the kingdom of his father, married his sister Ge, and had by her four sons, Ilus who is called Cronos, and Betylus, and Dagon who is Siton, and Atlas.

But by other wives Ouranus had much issue; whereat Ge, being grieved and jealous, reproached Ouranus, so that they parted from each other: but Ouranus, though he had parted from her, yet by force returned whenever he pleased, having laid with her again departed; moreover he attempted to kill the children he had by her; Ge also often defended or avenged herself, gathering onto her auxiliary powers.

But when Cronus came to man’s age, by the advice and assistance of Hermes Trismegistus, who was his secretary, he opposed his father Ouranus, that he might avenge his mother. And Cronos had children, Persephone and Athena; the former died a virgin; but, by the advice of Athena and Hermes, Cronus made of iron the scimitar and a spear. Then Hermes, addressing the allies of Cronus with magic words, wrought in them a keen desire to fight against Ouranus in behalf of Ge. And thus Cronus overcoming Ouranus in battle, drove him from his kingdom, and succeeded him in imperial power. In the battle was taken a well-beloved concubine of Ouranus who was pregnant; Cronus gave her in marriage to Dagon, she was delivered, and called the child Demarron.

 After these events Cronus builds a wall round his habitation, and founds Byblus, the first city of Phoenicia. Afterwords Cronus suspecting his own brother Atlas, by the advice of Hermes, threw him into a deep cavern in the earth, and buried him.

 At this time the descendants of the Dioscuri, having built some light and other complete ships, put to sea; and being out over against Mount Cassius, they consecrated a temple.

But the auxiliaries of Ilus, who is Cronus, were called Eloim, (as it were) the allies of Cronus, they were so called after Cronus. And Cronus, having a son called Sadidus, dispatched him with his own sword, because he held him in suspicion, and with his own hand deprived his son of life. And in like manner he cut off the head of his own daughter, so that all the gods were amazed at the mind of Cronus.

But in process of time, Ouranus being in banishment, sent his daughter Astarte, with two other sisters, Rhea and Dione, to cut off Cronus by deceit; but Cronus took the damsels, and married them being his own sisters. Ouranus, understanding this, sent Eimarmene and Hora with other auxiliaries to make war against him: but Cronus gained the affections of these also, and kept them with himself.  Moreover, the God Ouranus devised Baetulia, contriving stones that moved as having life

And Cronus begat on Astarte seven daughters called Titanides, or Artemides; and he begat on Rhea seven sons, the youngest of whom was consecrated from his birth; also by Dione he had daughters, and by Astarte moreover two sons, Pothos and Eros.

And Dagon, after he had found out bread-corn and the plow, was called Zeus Arotius.

To Sydye, called the just, one of the Titanides bare Asclepius: Cronus had also in Peraea three sons, Cronos bearing his father’s name, and Zeus Belus, and Apollo.

Contemporary with these were Pontus, and Typhon, and Nereus the father of Pontus: from Pontus descended Sidon, who by the excellence of her singing first invented the hymns of odes or praises: and Poseidon.

But to Demaroon was born Melicarthus, who is also called Heracles.

Then again Ouranus makes war against Pontus, but departing from him attaches himself to Demaroon. Demaroon invades Pontus, puts him to flight, and Demaroon vows a sacrifice for his escape.

In the 32nd year of his power and reign, Ilus, who is Cronos, having laid an ambuscade for his father Ouranus in a certain place in the middle of the earth, and having gotten him into his hands, dismembers him near fountains and rivers. There Ouranus was consecrated, and his spirit was separated, and the blood of his parts dropt into the fountains in the waters of the rivers; and the place is shewed even to this day.

(Then our historian, after some other things, those on thus:) But Astarte called the greatest, and Demaroon entitled Zeus, and Adodus named the King of gods, reigned over the country by the consent of Cronus: and Astarte put upon her head, as the mark of her sovereignty, a bull’s head: and traveling about the habitable world, she found a star falling through the air, and she took up, and consecrated in the holy island of Tyre: and the Phoenicians say that Astarte is Aphrodite.

Cronus, also going about the habitable world, gave to his daughter Athena the kingdom of Attica: and when there happened a plague and mortality, Cronus offered up his only son as a sacrifice to his father Ouranus, and circumcised himself, and forced his allies to do the same: and not long afterwards he consecrated after his death another son, called Muth, whom he had by Rhea; him the Phoenicians called Death and Pluto.

After these things, Cronus gives city of Byblus to the goddess Baaltis, which is Dione, and Berytus to Poseidon, and to the Caberi, the husbandman and fisherman: and they consecrated the remains of Pontus at Berytus.

But there before these things the god Taautus, having represented Ouranus, made types of the countenances of the gods Cronus, and Dagon, and the sacred characters in the other elements. He contrived also for Cronus the ensign of his royal power, having four eyes in the parts before and in the parts behind, two of them closing as is sleep; and upon the shoulders four wings, two in the act of flying, and two reposing as at rest. And the symbol was, that Cronus whilst he slept was watching, and reposed whilst he was awake. And in like manner with respect to his wings, that whilst he rested he was flying, yet rested whilst he flew. But to the other gods there were two wings only to each upon his shoulders, to intimate that they flew under the control of Cronus; he had also two wings upon his head, the one for the most governing part, the mind, and the one for the sense.

And Cronus coming into the country of the South, gave all Egypt to the God Taautus, that it might be his kingdom.

These things, says he, the Caberi, the seven sons of Sydec, and their eighth brother Asclepius, first of all sat down in memoirs, as the God Taautus commanded them.

All these things the son of Thabion, the first Hieorphant of all among the Phoenicians, allegorized and mixed up with the occurrences and passions of nature and the world, and delivered to the priests and prophets the superintendants of the mysteries: and they, perceiving the rage for these allegories increase, delivered them to their successors, to foreigners: of whom one was Isiris, the inventor of the three letters, the brother of Chna, who is called the first Phoenician.(Cory, Isaac Preston, “History of the Ancient World The Ancient Fragments,” Pages 3-16)

Ok, so you can see that Uranus was abusing his wife and children and threatening to kill them.  Cronus killed his father because he had to.  Cronus is often seen with agricultural tools such as the scythe or hoe.  He is the equivalent of the Sumerian Enlil.  Now let's compare this story to the Sumerian-Babylonian Atrahasis.

When the gods instead of man
Did the work , bore the loads,
The gods' load was too great,
The great Anunnaki made the Igigi
Carry the workload sevenfold
Anu their father was king.
Their counselor warrior Ellil
Their Chamberlain was Ninurta
Their canal-controller, Ennugi.
They took the box (of lots) ...,
Cast the lots,; the gods made the division.
Anu went up to the sky.
[And Ellil took the earth for his people
The bolt which bars the sea
Was assigned to far-sighted Enki
When Anu had gone up to the sky,
And the gods of the Absu had gone below,
The Anunnaki of the sky
Made the Igigi bear the workload.
The gods had to dig out canals,
Had to clear channels, the lifelines of the land,
The Igigi had to dig out canals,
Had to clear channels, the lifelines of the land
The gods dug out the Tigris river (bed)
And then dug out the Euphrates. the deep
....they set up
..the Apsu
.... of the land
....inside it
....raised its top
... of all the mountains
They were counting the years of loads;

(The Atrahasis Tablet 1 from Myths From Meosopotamia by Stephanie Dalley page 9.)

The story here shows you the younger gods called the Igigi were doing the hard labor and revolted as the story continues on against Ellil (another name for Cronus).  A slave was created to do the hard labor after a meeting between the gods.  A revolting god named Geshtu-e was sacrificed and a black magic ritual was done to appease the spirit of the sacrifice.

On the first, seventh, and fifteenth of the month
He made a purification by washing
Geshtu-e a god who had intelligence,
They slaughtered in their assembly.
Nintu mixed clay
With his flesh and blood.
They heard the drumbeat forever after.
A ghost came into existence from the god's flesh.
And she [Nintu] proclaimed it as his living sign.
The ghost existed so as not to forget [the slain god]
After she had mixed that clay,
She called up the Anunnaki, the great gods,
The Igigi, the great gods,
Spat spittle upon the clay.
Mami mad her voice heard
And spoke to the great gods,
'I have carried out perfectly
The work that you ordered of me.
You have slaughtered a god together with his
I have relieved you of your hard work,
I have imposed your load on man.
You have bestowed noise on mankind.
I have undone the fetter and granted freedom'
They listened to this speech of hers,
And were freed [from anxiety], and kissed her feet;
'We used to call you Mami
But now your name shall be Mistress of all Gods.'

(The Atrahasis Tablet 1 from Myths From Meosopotamia by Stephanie Dalley page 15-16.)

Ok, no man was created with this human sacrifice.  The practice of human sacrificing the "best and the brightest" is a practice that is used by elites to control the population.  It was done quite often in MesoAmerica.  This insures that no one of intelligence will be able to rise up and challenge the ruling class.

The story continues on with seven created males and females used for slave labor in a birthing chamber.  We don't know if they were birthed or just trained because they are just referred to as "created".  They were given rules and tools to use for labor. 

The story continues on with things working out until there were too many people and Ellil decides he wants to kill them off with a flood.  The god Enki, is credited with saving one man named Atrahasis.

Now there was one Atrahsis
Whose ear was open (to) his go Enki.
He would speak with his god
And his god would speak with him.

(The Atrahasis Tablet 1 from Myths From Meosopotamia by Stephanie Dalley page 18.)

The story continues on with the gods being shamed into allowing the humans to exist.  At times they cut their population back with starvation and disease, but eventually a flood came through and killed many of the humans.  Atrahasis survived by building a boat after being warned by Enki of the impending food.

Afterwards the gods/Anunnaki repented and vowed never to flood the Earth again but would limit the birth of children and make certain women off limits to birth.

From the Sumerian-Babylonian Epic of Creation, the murder of Tiamat and Anzu/Ansu is talked about.

When skies above were not yet named
Nor earth below pronounced by name
Apsu, the first one, heir begetter
And maker Tiamat, who bore them all,
Had mixed their waters together,
But had not formed pastures, nor discovered reed-beds.

When yet no gods were manifest,
Nor name pronounced, nor destinies decreed,
Then gods were born within them.
Lahmu (and ) Lahamu emerged, their names pronounced.

As soon as they matured, were fully formed,
Anshar (and) Kishar were born, surpassing them.
They passed the days at length, they added to the years.
Anu their first-born son rivaled his forefathers.
Anshar made his son Anu like himself.
And Anu begot Nudimmud in his likeness.
He Nudimmusd was superior to his forefathers.
Profound of understanding, he was wise, was very strong at arms.

Mightier by far than Anshar his father's begetter,
He had no rival among the gods his peers
The gods of that generation would meet together
And disturb Tiamat, and their clamour reverberated.
They stirred up Tiamat's belly,
They were annoying her by playing inside Anduruan.

Apsu could not quell their noise
And Tiamat became mute before them;
However grievous their behavior to her,
However bad their ways, she would indulge them.

(The Epic of Creation from Myths From Meosopotamia by Stephanie Dalley page 233.)

The story continues on with Absu becoming upset with Anu's behavior and talking to Tiamat about it.  She denies his bad behavior initially but when her husband is killed she is furious.

He (Ea) unfastened his belt, took off his crown,
Took away his mantle of radiance and put it on himself.
He held Apsu down and slew him;
Tied up Mummu and laid him across him.
He set up his dwelling on top of Apsu.
And grasped Mummu, held him by a nose-rope.
When he had overcome and slain his enemies,
Ea set up his triumphal cries over his foes.

(The Epic of Creation from Myths From Meosopotamia by Stephanie Dalley page 235.)

Here Ea is blamed for the murder of Absu, but in the Babylonian version it is also Marduk which is another name for Anu.  It makes sense that it was Anu rather than Ea due to the generational gaps.  Ea also appears to be another name for Anu as proved by this part of the poem:

Ea listened to that report,
And was dumbfounded and sat in silence,
when he made his way to Anshar his father;
Came before Anshar, the father who begot him
And began to repeat t him everything that Tiamat
had planned.
'Father, Tiamat who bore us is rejecting Us!
She has convened an assembly and is raging out of control.
The gods have turned to her, all of them,
Even those whom you begot have gone over to her side,
Have crowded around and rallied beside Tiamat.
Fierce, scheming restless night and day,
working up to war, growling and raging,
They have convened a council and created conflict.
Mother Hubur, who fashions all things,
Contributed an unfaceable weapon; she bore giant snakes,
Sharp of tooth and unsparing of fang
She filled their bodies with venom instead of blood.
She cloaked ferocious dragons with fearsome rays,
And made them bear mantles of radiance, made them godlike.

(The Epic of Creation from Myths From Meosopotamia by Stephanie Dalley page 239.)

So here you can see that Anshar is the father of Ea and I've already shown you the poem says Anshar was the father of Anu.  Like many mythologies, gods and goddesses may have multiple names within that mythology.

Tiamat is also called Mother Hubur which is very similar to Mother Hubbard (a coincidence I find very interesting).

The poem continues on with the ruthless Anu killing Tiamat in war (and then dismembering her) and her son Kingu/ (Qingu) and taking the Tablets of Destiny or Mes from Kingu.

He shot an arrow which pierced her belly,
Split her down the middle and slit her heart,
Vanquished her and extinguished her life.
He threw down her corpse and stood on top of her.
When he had slain Tiamat, the leader,
He broke up her regiments; her assembly was scattered.
Then the gods her helpers, who had marched at her side,
Began to tremble, panicked, and turned tail.

AS for Qingu, who had once been the greatest among them,
He defeated him and counted him among the dead gods,
Wrestled from him the Tablet of Destinies,
wrongfully his,
Sealed it with (his own) seal and pressed it to his breast.
When he had defeated and killed his enemies
And had proclaimed the submissive foe his slave,
And had set up the triumphal cry of Anshar over all the enemy,
And had achieved the desire of Nudimmud, Marduk the warrior
Strengthened his hold over the captive gods,
And to Tiamat, whom h had ensnared, he turned back.
The Lord trampled the owner part of Tiamat,
With his unsparing mace smashed her skull,
Severed the arteries of her blood,
and made the North Wind carry it off as good news.

(The Epic of Creation from Myths From Meosopotamia by Stephanie Dalley page 253-254.)

The story continues on with Anu using one of his other names, Marduk, mutilating her body.
This story is not a story about a comet hitting a planet named Tiamat.  It is about an unruly man who wanted power and created problems.  When his great-grandfather and others were tired of his bad behavior they wanted to kill him, but he killed Absu first.  Then Tiamat was enraged and he ended up killing this elderly great-grandmother and some of her sons and followers and mutilating her body.

Anu is the Greek Uranus and he was a monster.  The story continues on with him naming the constellations and associating them with the Anunnaki.  He attributes a star named Neberu to himself.  Uranus is a Greek sky God who sits in the middle of the Zodiac.  He is represented by Ophiuchus which is used to mark the end of the great cycle of the Zodiac and its restart.  See the picture of Uranus and how the Ouroborous goes through his legs just as the constellation of Ophiuchus is depicted.

Marduk-Anu kills Tiamat

Johannes Kepler's drawing depicting the location of the stella nova in the foot of Ophiuchus.

Uranus with the Ouroborous Between his Legs Just like Ophiuchus

Neberu was a great star and probably the super Nova that is part of the star constellation of Ophiuchus.  It was never referred to as a comet or planet as Zechariah Sitchin has claimed.

Neberu:  he does indeed hold the crossings of heaven and earth.
Neither up nor down shall they cross over; they must wait on him.
Neberu is his star which is bright in the sky.
He controls the crossroads, they must look to him.

(The Epic of Creation from Myths From Meosopotamia by Stephanie Dalley page 272.)

It is my conclusion that Anu/Ea/Marduk is the same as the Greek Uranus who was a monster and a murderer and he killed his great-grandmother and great-grandfather to establish his own patriarchy which included slavery and naming every star in the sky after his bloodline and followers.  This practice was continued by Cronus and Zeus after Cronus killed Uranus.  This murder of Tiamat ushered in the Abrahamic patriarchy and the identity of these ancient Cronides is encoded in their "Holy" books and in all mythologies as well as star constellations and planet names.

by Rita Jean Moran ( and
