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Wednesday, July 23, 2014


I was just thinking about recycling while taking a break in between my mythology research.  If you really think about it, the average person has always recycled.  Milk bottles were always returned, baby diapers were washed, and any kind of tool or useful item was resold or passed down family lines.

Yes, we had a period of just polluting the Earth in America by just throwing garbage out of a car or dumping, but that changed quickly.  I'm old enough to remember the TV campaigns of the crying "Native American" and the thrust into the Green Movement. 

I also have read about and witnessed first hand, the times that companies would just dump their waste into water or on forest land and cause cancers by this action.   Their smoke stacks would just pump the pollution out into the air.  They still do this, if they can get away with it and have moved industries to other counties with less restrictions on pollutions.

Seems to me the average person in America makes an effort to recycle, everyday. With strong government rules and penalties, most companies don't find it advantageous to do "midnight dumps" into the environment, but some still do and need to be held accountable.

Seems this whole "carbon" footprint thing is a scam though.  Breathing is natural and carbon dioxide feeds the plants.  I don't think the average person in America is to blame for pollution anymore (all though I'm sure there are some slobs still out there).

I've been recycling for a long time.  I think I'm going to add a new garbage bin in the kitchen just for recyclables to see if I recycle more, rather than just taking the item to the large blue recycling bin in the garage.

Only thing left to do is figure out how electronics and disposable baby diapers can be recycled more.  Here is a video from a large recycling company.  I would like to go there and visit one day to see what really happens with all of the garbage.

by Rita Jean Moran ( and


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