Saturday, July 19, 2014

The Children of Dagda

The Dagda had many children. It is not easy to determine all of their counterparts in Greek mythology because the Greek Zeus had over 150 children.  But there are some obvious examples.

Here is my analysis of the counterparts:

Brigid - Greek Athena

Aengus -unknown at this time.

Cermait - Greek Dionysus

Bodb Derg (successor) - unknown at this time.

Midir - unknown at this time.

I would equate the following Irish Gaelic Gods/Goddesses with the Greek Gods/Goddesses as follows:

Dian Cecht - God of Medicine - Greek Apollo ?

Goibniu - God of the Smiths - Greek Hephaestus

Lir - God of the sea - Greek Poseidon

Lugh - Warrior God  - Greek Apollo

Elatha - Father of Dagda - Greek Cronus

As I am able to find more Celtic literature, I will be able to determine the rest of the equivalents.

by Rita Jean Moran ( and

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