The story of Zagreus is a violent one. Zagreus was the child of Persephone and Zeus who was killed violently by the Titans. It was this hidden history that caused the Titanomachy. After Zagreus was killed and dismembered and cannibalized, only his heart was left on the floor and was recovered by Athena. Zeus created a concoction with it and drank it, thinking he held the soul of Zagreus in himself waiting to impregnate another and give Zagreus a new body. Semele was selected and impregnated and Dionysus was born from her and Zeus. Dionysus is thus called twice-born (and sometimes thrice-born due to an elder Dionysus who was Indian and lived during the time of Cronus) and represented as a baby and a young man because he was killed once as Zagreus and once by Prometheus-Set when he was tricked into a box and sealed up when he was the Pharaoh Osiris. Here is a snippet of this story from Nonnos' Dionysiaca:

The "Sacred Heart" bloodline was the Pharaonic bloodine created by Dionysus-Osiris and Ariadne-Isis. This bloodline is illustrated in the sacred heart of Jesus Christ. This story is embedded in the Orphic Mysteries and has been hidden from the masses. I believe this is one more reason my work is being shunned by the media because it unravels some very ancient secrets and modern day lies.
The "as above and to the heart" hand symbolism often shown with Jesus Christ goes back to Zeus who was the progenitor of this bloodline and many other elite bloodlines. Watch for an article I will be posting on bloodline origins down the road.
And here is a snippet of what I will be exposing down the road along with who and where the races and elite bloodlines come from:
"The Jews had tried to corrupt Roman values with their cult of Jupiter Sabazius, so the praetor forced them to go back to their home.” - Valerius Maximus
The above quote is from Valerius Maximus'
Memorable Deeds and Sayings One Thousand Tales From Ancient Rome. Here is a scan of the page from the book:
by Rita Jean Moran ( and
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