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Monday, November 12, 2012

Baal and Osiris?

I've read some literature regarding the Baal-Mot rituals of ancient Mesopotamia.  Mot kills Baal during the dry times of the year and Baal is reborn when the growing season comes back.  Could Baal have been another name for Osiris and Mot for Set?

Another clue from the Chicago Oriental Institute is the Baal statues from ancient Mesopotamia.  Compare the headgear of Baal to that of Osiris. It is the same except feathers were added to Osiris (the feathered serpent?).

Statues of Baal from ancient Mesopotamia.

Osiris Statue

I have coined a term called M.U.T. (copyright Rita Jean Moran) which stands for Mythological Unification Theory (copyright Rita Jean Moran).  I am writing about this now; however, I touch on this subject throughout The Library Kids series that all ancient mythologies from around the world are about the same story and that story was that of Osiris, Isis, and Set as well as the gods/goddesses who came before them.  This story was tweaked to coincide with the seasons of the planet and the rituals associated with these mythologies were used to remember the ancient ones as well as to remember the seasons of the planet.  Each culture had/has their own names for these gods/goddesses of old, but they are all the same with slight changes to the story as well as possible exchanges of female goddessess for male gods and vice-versa.

The priests/priestesses of old were the most intelligent people of the tribe who were entrusted with these stories and rituals in order to maintain a planting season that would sustain their people.  Unforutnately with power came corruption.  Some where along the way, cannabalism and human sacrifice were introduced into these rituals when it was not meant to be a part of them.  The story of Isis/Osiris is that they went around the world to teach humans civilization after a great war had sunk the human race into the dark despair of cannabalism and hunger and chaos.  It would not make logical sense that these stories and rituals would include these abominations when Osiris/Isis had worked so hard to eliminate bad ways and introduce farming and knowledge to the world.

I will be looking at my theory of M.U.T. in the next couple of books that I am writing and I will correlate the ancient past to the modern day.  The language of symbols contains much of the ancient past as well as the knowledge of science, math, biology, astronomy, and medicine.  The myths and rituals include the knowledge of planetary cycles and time itself.  It will take time,but I hope to prove out the time line of the past and identify the possible individuals involved in an ancient war that included nuclear and laser weaponry on this planet around 50,000 years ago as well as the re-building of civilization itself.  Stay tuned as the saying goes.

by Rita Jean Moran (

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