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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Odin wasn't even Nordic, he was from Asia.

The Nordic God Odin is the equivalent of the Greek Zeus.  This is further corroborated by the Nordic writings in the Heimskringla (written by Snorri Sturluson) in which Odin is noted as being from Asia and part of the Aesir as compared to the Vanir which was Nordic.

The war between the two groups, Aesir and Vanir, is described in the Heimskringla ending with a truce and exchange of people.  Let’s look at the passages that prove this from the Heimskringla:

The earth’s round, on which mankind lives, is much indented.  Great seas cut into the land from the ocean.  We know that a sea goes from the Norva Sound [The Strait of Gibraltar] all the way to Jorsalaland ["Jerusalem Land," Palestine].  From the sea a long arm extends to the northeast which is called the Black Sea.  It separates the three parts of the world.  The part to the eastward is called Asia;but that which lies to the west of it is called by some Europe, by others Enea.  North of the Black Sea lies Svithjoth the Great or the Cold.
Some men consider Svithjoth the Great not less in size than Serkland the Great ["Saracen Land," Norht Africa], and some think it is equal in size to Blaland [Blackman's Land," Africa].  The northern part of Svithjoth is uncultivated on account of frost and cold, just as the southern part of Blaland is a desert because of the heat of the sun.  In Svithjoth there are many large provinces.  There are also many tribes and many tongues.  There are giants and dwarfs; there are black men and many kinds of strange tribes.  Also there are anmials and dragons of marvelous size.  Out of the north, from the mountains which are beyond all inhabited districts, a river runs through Svithjoth whose correct name is Tanais [The Don River].  In olden time it was called Tana Fork or Vana Fork.  Its mouth is in the Black Sea.  The land around the Vana Fork was then called Vana Home or the Home of the Vanir.  This river divides the three continents.  East of it is Asia, west of it Europe.

The land east of the Tana Fork was called the land or Home of the Aesir, and the capital of that country thy called Asgarth.  In this capital the chieftain ruled whose name was Othin.  This was a great place for sacrifices.  The rule prevailed there that twelve temple priests were highest in rank.  They were to have charge of sacrifices and to judge between men.  They are called diar or chiefs.  All the people were to serve them and show them reverence.

Othin was a great warrior and fared widely, conquering many countries.  He was so victorious that he won the upper hand in every battle; as a result, his men believed that it was granted to him to be victorious in every battle.

As you can see, Othin or Odin was from Asia (this includes Tyre, Israel, Turkey in today’s world view) which is where Zeus came from originally (Tyre and Crete).  From this you can see that the Vanir appears to have lived in what is now modern day Ukraine.

by Rita Jean Moran ( and


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