After I realized this, I began to study a library out of Harvard University, known as the Loeb Library. The Loeb Library was sponsored by a Jewish-German-American banker- philanthropist named James Loeb (1867–1933) and includes over 500 books from ancient Greek and Roman scholars. I pinpointed the books I knew would tell the story of what I had formulated from the catalogue. It was in the writings of the ancient Greek, Roman, and Egyptian scholars Diodorus Siculus, Plutarch, Hesiod, Homer, Manetho, Valerius Maximus, Macrobius, and others that the story began to unfold with a timeline. I further found a set of writings from the British Library that included the writings of an ancient Phoenician scholar, Sanchoniathon, that expanded the story.
This family, which I term the Cronide bloodline, began in Tyre. Their story of evolving advancement is told in the writings of Sanchoniathon. The tales of calculated murder, calculated breeding, and calculated alliances are clearly spelled out as this family began to move into a position of global power. Some of the details of this family are very cruel, but as they evolved, they made efforts to change their ways and travel the world to teach their “mysteries” about agriculture, astronomy, science, medicine, and more. The story starts out with Diodorus Siculus referring to them as the “Atlantians” and their social structure was based on a matriarchy, initially. Their names vary from culture to culture, but for ease of telling the story, I will use their Greek names mostly at this time. The god known as Uranus was the first to challenge the matriarchy after the unfortunate death of his father who died from a wild animal attack. He was a tyrant and he had many consorts. His main wife was his sister known as Gaia. She did not like his ways, so she parted from him, but he threatened her and her children often. When her son, Cronus, grew up, he chased his father away from the area, but his father would not leave them alone. Cronus ended up killing his father as his father had killed the great Queen and her husband, before. Cronus became the leader and decided his people would leave their island home of Tyre and expand through out the world. Cronus was a knowledgeable farmer and is credited with inventing many agricultural tools including the pickaxe; however, Cronus had strange ways which included sacrificing some of his own children during times of trouble. This is why they say that Cronus, “ate his children” and his sister wife Rhea had to hide their children from him. One of these children was Zeus whom she hid in a cave on Mt. Ida in Crete. When Zeus grew up into a man, he took over his father’s kingdom. Zeus was completely unlike his father and preferred gentler ways of living and the people loved him. Zeus had many consorts and children and helped to expand his father’s kingdom. He had many enemies as well. Even though this family was referred to as Atlantians, because they originally came from the people who lived near the Atlantic Ocean, they were not well liked because of the previous things Uranus had done.
When Zeus had a son by Persephone, named Zagreus, he intended for Zagreus to inherit his kingdom. But Zagreus was brutally murdered by Titans when he was just a child and the Titans cannibalized Zagreus leaving only the heart for Zeus to find. Coming home to find out what had happened, Zeus went insane. He prepared a potion from the heart of Zagreus and drank it believing he had the soul of Zagreus inside him and he would impregnate another woman and transfer that soul to the new child. That woman was Semele. The child born was Dionysus. Dionysus was hidden and raised as a girl in Nyssa to hide him from his enemies. Dionysus grew up and became the great god also known as Osiris.
This tale continues on with the conquest of the world by Zeus and his children including his main heir, Dionysus-Osiris. Dionysus, along with his wife Ariadne-Isis (same woman from the story of the Minotaur of Crete), created the royal Pharaonic bloodline that flows through many people’s veins today. The other children of Zeus spread across the world and became the kings and queens of every nation including those in the Americas.
I believe from my research that this family travelled the world including the Americas to civilize it and teach their mystery schools. Their tale is told in the story of the Hopi Kachinas, the Ho-Chunk hero known as Red Horn, the story of Queztlcoatl, the story of White Buffalo Woman and so on. The evidence is everywhere. I have found what I believe to be petroglyphs of Phoenician ships and Phoenician letters in Nevada. There are many tales by the Pauite of red-haired giants in Nevada as well that may be the descendants of these people or others that followed over, later.
I know this tale is complex, salacious, and possibly disturbing, but it is a true story. I have done so much research that I have written about, that I can’t possibly include all of it on this website, but here is a small snippet from Diodorus Siculus that may help convince you:
“And of the ancient Greek writers of mythology some give to Osiris the name Dionysus or, with a slight change in form, Sirius. One of them, Eumolpus, in his Bacchic Hymn speaks of Our Dionysus, shining like a star, with fiery eye in ev’ry ray;”
“Osiris was the first, they record, to make mankind give up cannibalism; for after Isis did discover the fruit of both wheat and barley which grew wild over the land along with the other plants but was still unknown to man, and Osiris had also devised the cultivation of these fruits, all men were glad to change their food, both because of the pleasing nature of the newly-discovered grains and because it seemed to their advantage to refrain from their butchery of one another. As proof of the discovery of these fruits they offer the following ancient custom which they still observe: Even yet at harvest time the people make a dedication of the first heads of the grain to be cut, and standing beside the sheaf beat themselves and call upon Isis, by this act rendering honour to the goddess for the fruits which she discovered, at the season when she first did this. Moreover in some cities, during the Festival of Isis as well, stalks of wheat and barley are carried among the other objects in the procession, as a memorial of what the goddess so ingeniously discovered at the beginning. Isis also established laws, they say, in accordance with which the people regularly dispense justice to one another and are let to refrain through fear of punishment from illegal violence and insolence; and it is for this reason also that the early Greeks gave Demeter the name Thesmophorus acknowledging in this way that she had first established their laws.”
There is even an older tale before this family of a matriarchy and before them there was a story as well. I can present material anywhere along the timeline of this planet. The tale of this story stems from decades of my own research. No other researcher comes close and I will not tolerate my work being used without permission because this story is too important to me. Thank you.
Rita Jean Moran
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