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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Mythology, the Illuminati, Hollywood, the Music Industry, Corporate Logos, and more....

We are being inundated with symbolism and most people don't understand what the symbols mean.  Many believe a secret group, called the Illuminati is running the world. This secret society, created in Bavaria in 1776,  borrowed from Freemasonry and in turn Freemasonry came from the Templars.  The Templars were created by the Catholic Church who had been infiltrated.  These symbols being used go back to the ancient Cronide bloodline and their mystery schools.

The key to understanding all of it is ancient mythology, the Cronide bloodline, and Alice Bailey.  Alice Bailey was a freemason who outlined the blueprints for an evil one world government in which the general population is culled and controlled like cattle.  A middle population of scientists, doctors, and inventors are used to control the humans below them, and an elite group of ? rule the planet and live like gods.  Alice Bailey specifically states that the United Nations is to be the world government in her books.  She also outlines the plans for the roll out of this diabolical plan in her books.  It will include the control of all natural resources by corporations.  Parents will have no rights over their children.  The moral foundations of all nations will be destroyed.  An inundation of symbolism will be placed upon the public (without explanation of their true meaning) and this is known as the Externalization of the Hierarchy.  The human race will be culled.  There will be no borders so to say, no identities, no tribes, no history, just a big slave plantation. 

The symbolism they are flashing to us is the symbolism from the ancient Cronide bloodline.  I can say with absolute conviction to the ruling elite, that if your god, Zeus-Jupiter Sabazius, were alive today, he would spit in your faces and hunt you down.  Here is what the symbolism means:


Bloodline of the Cronides.


The Horn Sign:

Represents the bull and oxen used by the Cronides to help with agriculture.

All-Seeing Eye/One Eye:

There are 3 references to all seeing eyes.  One is the eye of Hera, one is the eye of Dionysus, and the other is the eye of Zeus-Odin.  It means that all can be seen by this eye.


It represents the rejection of Jesus Christ and the enslavement of the human race.


The calendars built by the Cronide bloodlines.

Hexagram/Star of David:

The idol of the elite, the star of Remphan.

Upside Down Cross/Pentagram:

Rejection of Jesus Christ/ Death to the White wise women of Europe and their ancient ways.
Samael is the name the Gnostics gave to Cronus (the father of Zeus).  The dolt known as Anton LaVey was either mocking Zeus or was too stupid to figure that out when he created the Church of Satan (Satan is Set-Prometheus-Loki-Agni, etc.).


Satan is the clown/jester and he is Set-Prometheus-Loki-Agni.


Zeus.  Remember the snake of the bible eating the snakes of the Egyptian pharaohs?  Remember the snake on the cross to heal (Caduces or symbol of Asclepius- both were doctors)?

Tree of life/Kabala:

Shamanistic tree and genealogical chart.



The Heart of Zagreus, his reincarnation as Osiris and the Pharaonic Bloodline






Cronus and his bloodline.


The purple robes of Dionysus.


The black robe of Zeus.  He was the original man in black.  Many Greek men still wear black as a custom.

Winged Disk:


Fleur De Lis

Bloodline of Zeus.

Code of Silence

Keep quiet while revenge is planned.

Lightning Bolt:

Zeus' Weapon to punish the wicked.

These symbols and many others are flashed to us all day through Hollywood, the Music Industry, Corporate logos, and in advertising.  Look behind the scenes and find out the ethnicity and secret society membership of those in charge of these corporations who are displaying these symbols and you will know who is behind it all.

Fair Usage Title 17 Section 107 applies to the photos in this article.

by Rita Jean Moran ( and

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