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Thursday, August 15, 2013

A White Female Pharaoh Built the 3rd Pyramid of Egypt

Manetho tells us that in the sixth dynasty, a white woman named Nitocris, built the 3rd pyramid of Egypt.

"There was a queen Nitocris, the noblest and loveliest of the women of her time; she had a fair complexion, and is said to have built the third pyramid."

According to Wikipedia, a claim is made that Manetho was mistaken:

Manetho claims she built the "third pyramid" at Giza, which is attributed by modern historians and archaeologists to Menkaure. Manetho was most likely confused by the similarity of the names Menkaura (the prenomen or "throne name" of Nitocris) and Menkaure. Herodotus also has a Babylonian queen of the same name and talks of her constructions in Babylon, mainly connected with diverting the Euphrates. His story about her tomb and the inscription on it which fooled Darius into opening it, only to have another inscription on the inside that chastised the opener for being so greedy is an early example of a familiar cultural meme.

Nice try Wikipedia, but Manetho described her physical attributes and states that Binothris of the 2nd Dynasty decided that women could hold the kingly office.

by Rita Jean Moran ( and HiddenHumanStory)


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