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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of America


Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of America are worthwhile clubs for children.  The younger boys start off as cub scouts and can then move on to Boy Scouts.  The younger girls start off as Daisys and Brownies and  can then move on to Girl Scouts.  Besides learning social skills and group interaction skills, many outdoor and practical skills are learned in these clubs.  Outdoor camping is also a skill set that is learned.  In addition many fun activities such as museum visits, going to plays, crafts, and pinewood derbies are done in these great clubs.  Check them out.

by Rita Jean Moran (


Friday, January 25, 2013

Pineapples and Blue Stop Signs

When I went to Oahu, Hawaii, I was pleasantly surprised to see how pineapples grow.  They grow on the ground.  Take a look:

What was even more interesting were the blue stop signs:
Not all of the stop signs were blue in Oahu, but it was neat to see some of them being blue.  It makes you think twice about your environment and what you are used to.
by Rita Jean Moran (

Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Temple of Horus or The Temple of Edfu

The Temple of Edfu is located on the west bank of the Nile River in a town called Edfu and Egypt.  The temple is dedicated to Horus, the legendary son of Osiris and Isis.  It was built between between 237 and 57 BCE.    It has history of how the temple was built and history of other temples. It also has tells the story of the battle between Horus and Set.

by Rita Jean Moran (



Monday, January 14, 2013

Pharaoh Ahmose I Kicked out the Hyksos

Pharaoh Ahmose I runs out the Hyksos

Egypt had been invaded by the Hyksos who took over the Egyptian lands and enslaved everyone.  After a 30 year war, Ahmose I, drove them out.  The kingdom belonged to the Princes of Thebes, not to the invading Hyksos.  The original Egypt was divided into 2 kingdoms (per the decision of Geb the father god), called Upper and Lower Egypt.  The two kingdoms were combined after King Menes (Scorpion) united the kingdoms.  It appears to me, that there were black pharaohs and white pharaohs and possibly Dravidian pharaohs (from India).  If you look at the statues of the kings, you can draw your own conclusions.  Perhaps these two groups interbred to make one king line or one group of kings took over the united throne.

According to wikipedia:
The conflict between the local kings of Thebes and the Hyksos king Apepi had started during the reign of Seqenenre Tao and would be concluded, after almost 30 years of intermittent conflict and war, under the reign of Ahmose I. Seqenenre Tao was possibly killed in a battle against the Hyksos, as his much-wounded mummy gruesomely suggests, and his successor Kamose (likely Ahmose's elder brother) is known to have attacked and raided the lands around the Hyksos capital, Avaris (modern Tell el-Dab'a).[6] Kamose evidently had a short reign, as his highest attested regnal year is year 3, and was succeeded by Ahmose I. Apepi may have died near the same time. The two royal names—Awoserre and Aqenienre—known for Apepi attested in the historical record were for the same Hyksos king that were used by Ahmose's opponent at different times during the latter king's reign.
This event is the real Exodus spoken about in the bible.  The Tempest Stele also describes incredible storms that came through Egypt at the same time:

The Tempest Stele (alt. Storm Stele) was erected by Ahmose I early in the eighteenth dynasty of Egypt, circa 1550 BCE. The stele describes a great storm striking Egypt during this time, destroying tombs, temples and pyramids in the Theban region and the work of restoration ordered by the king.[1]
Ahmose I was part of the eighteenth dynasty of Egypt which included very famous pharaohs such as Akhenaten, Thutmose, and Hatshepsut.  According to wikipedia, the Hyksos dynasty didn't last too long and came out of ancient Babylon known as the fertile crescent and they appeared to have only five kings:

The Fifteenth Dynasty arose from among the Hyksos people who emerged out of the Fertile Crescent to establish a short-lived governance over much of the Nile region, and ruled from 1674 to 1535 BC.
The following excerpt from wikipedia describes the Hyksos invaders:

The Hyksos or Hycsos (pron.: /ˈhɪksɒs/; Egyptian heqa khasewet, "foreign rulers"; Greek Ὑκσώς, Ὑξώς) were a mixed people from West Asia who took over the eastern Nile Delta, ending the thirteenth dynasty, and initiating the Second Intermediate Period of Ancient Egypt.[3]
The Hyksos first appeared in Egypt c.1800 BC, during the eleventh dynasty, and began their climb to power in the thirteenth dynasty, coming out of the second intermediate period in control of Avaris and the Delta. By the fifteenth dynasty, they ruled Lower Egypt, and at the end of the seventeenth dynasty, they were expelled (c.1560 BC).
The Hyksos practiced horse burials, and their chief deity became the Egyptian storm and desert god, Seth, whom they identified with their native storm god.[4] Although most Hyksos names seem Semitic, the Hyksos also included Hurrians, who, while speaking an isolated language, were under the rule and influence of Indo-Europeans.[5]
The Hyksos brought several technical improvements to Egypt, as well as cultural impulses such as new musical instruments and foreign loan words. The changes affected techniques from bronze working and pottery to weaving, and new breeds of animals and new crops were introduced. In warfare, they introduced the horse and chariot, the compound bow, improved battle axes, and advanced fortification techniques.[6] 
Modern scholarship usually[who?] assumes that the Hyksos were likely Semites who came from the Levant. Kamose, the last king of the Theban 17th Dynasty, refers to Apophis as a "Chieftain of Retjenu (i.e., Canaan)" in a stela that implies a Semitic Canaanite background for this Hyksos king: this is the strongest evidence for a Canaanite background for the Hyksos. Khyan's name "has generally been interpreted as Amorite "Hayanu" (reading h-ya-a-n) which the Egyptian form represents perfectly, and this is in all likelihood the correct interpretation."[8] Kim Ryholt furthermore observes the name Hayanu is recorded in the Assyrian king-lists for a "remote ancestor" of Shamshi-Adad I (c. 1813 BC) of Assyria, which suggests that it had been used for centuries prior to Khyan's own reign.[9]

Hyksos People

According to wikipedia the Hyksos were kicked out of Egypt and pushed into Canaan:

Ahmose I, who is regarded as the first king of the Eighteenth Dynasty may have been on the Theban throne for some time before he resumed the war against the Hyksos.
The details of his military campaigns are taken from the account on the walls of the tomb of another Ahmose, a soldier from El-Kab, a town in southern Upper Egypt, whose father had served under Seqenenra Tao II, and whose family had long been nomarchs of the districts. It seems,[citation needed] that several campaigns against the stronghold at Avaris were needed before the Hyksos were finally dislodged and driven from Lower Egypt. When this occurred is not known with certainty. Some authorities[who?] place the expulsion as early as Ahmose's fourth year, while Donald Redford, whose chronological structure has been adopted here, places it as late as the king's fifteenth year. The Ahmose who left the inscription states that he followed on foot as his King Ahmose rode to war in his chariot (the first mention of the use of the horse and chariot by the Egyptians); in the fighting around Avaris he captured prisoners and carried off several hands (as proof of slain enemies), which when reported to the royal herald resulted in his being awarded the "Gold of Valor" on three separate occasions. The actual fall of Avaris is only briefly mentioned:
"Then Avaris was despoiled. Then I carried off spoil from there: one man, three women, a total of four persons. Then his majesty gave them to me to be slaves."[33]
After the fall of Avaris, the fleeing Hyksos were pursued by the Egyptian army across northern Sinai and into southern Canaan. Here, in the Negev desert between Rafah and Gaza, the fortified town of Sharuhen was reduced after, according to the soldier from El-Kab, a long three-year siege operation. How soon after the sack of Avaris this Asiatic campaign took place is uncertain. One can reasonably conclude that the thrust into southern Canaan probably followed the Hyksos’ eviction from Avaris fairly closely, but, given a period of protracted struggle before Avaris fell and possibly more than one season of campaigning before the Hyksos were shut up in Sharuhen, the chronological sequence must remain uncertain

I find it interesting that the mummies were desecrated during the recent Egyptian riots.  The heads of two mummies were ripped off (which ones were they?).

by Rita Jean Moran (


Saturday, January 12, 2013

A Possible Answer Regarding Elongated Skulls

My picture of replica remains in Arkansas

There has been much talk about elongated skulls and giants.   There is evidence of large caucasian people that existed all around the world.  There are elongated skulls (without bodies and some with it) that are all around the world (Peru, America, Egypt, Georgia, and China).  What caused these elongated skulls is up for discussion.  I have found out about a condition called Craniosynostosis.  According to wikipedia:

Craniosynostosis (from cranio, cranium; + syn, together; + ostosis relating to bone) is a condition in which one or more of the fibrous sutures in an infant skull prematurely fuses by turning into bone (ossification),[1] thereby changing the growth pattern of the skull.[2] Because the skull cannot expand perpendicular to the fused suture, it compensates by growing more in the direction parallel to the closed sutures.[2] Sometimes the resulting growth pattern provides the necessary space for the growing brain, but results in an abnormal head shape and abnormal facial features.[2] In cases in which the compensation does not effectively provide enough space for the growing brain, craniosynostosis results in increased intracranial pressure leading possibly to visual impairment, sleeping impairment, eating difficulties, or an impairment of mental development combined with a significant reduction in IQ.[3]
Taking a look at this condition, I found one condition in particular that may have caused elongated skulls, similar to those found around the world.  It is called Scaphocephaly.  According to wikipedia:

The literal meaning of the Greek derived word ‘scaphocephaly’ is boathead. A synonymous term is 'dolichocephaly' (the prefix dolicho- means elongated).[25] Premature sagittal suture closure restricts growth in a perpendicular plane, thus the head will not grow sideways and remain narrow.[9][26] This is best seen in a view standing above the child looking downwards at the top of the head.[7] Compensatory growth occurs forwards at the coronal suture and backwards at the lambdoid suture giving respectively a prominent forehead, called frontal bossing, and a prominent back portion of the head, called coning.[9][26] When viewed from sideways the resulting shape of the head will look a bit like a boat.

From what I've found online, there is no clear cut cause that has been found for this condition.

According to wikipedia:

Scaphocephaly (Pronunciation: skaf-O-sef-aly), derived from the Greek skaphe (a light boat or skiff), describes a specific variety of a long narrow head[1] that resembles an inverted boat.
It is a type of cephalic disorder which occurs when there is a premature fusion of the sagittal suture. The sagittal suture joins together the two parietal bones of skull. Scaphocephaly is the most common of the craniosynostosis conditions and is characterized by a long, narrow head.
The answer may be simply that a medical condition or head binding created these elongated skulls.  If it is genetic, the fact that it appears among families of royalty who interbred, is not a surprise.

by Rita Jean Moran (


Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Georgia Guidestones

The Georgia Guidestones have gotten a lot of attention over the last few years.  No one knows for sure as to who had them made.  The most disturbing thing about the guidestones is what is written on them.  Along with plans for a new set of commandments, the stones call for a reduction in the human population to 1/2 billion.  That's a decrease of over 6 billion people on the planet.  There is no need to reduce the population, but there is a need to manage our resoures more wisely for the benefit of the people, not the benefit of the few.  According to wikipedia:
A message consisting of a set of ten guidelines or principles is engraved on the Georgia Guidestones in eight different languages, one language on each face of the four large upright stones. Moving clockwise around the structure from due north, these languages are: English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian.
  1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
  2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
  3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
  4. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
  5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
  6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
  7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
  8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
  9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
  10. Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.
I am currently transitioning into more adult topics.  For my older audience, I now have a facebook up regarding esoteric and occult subjects.  I feel that understanding of these subjects is important to understanding the symbolism that is being thrown at us on a daily basis.  Here is the link:
I will continue to post appropriate material on this site and The Library Kids facebook, but would like to seperate the other material for a more mature audience onto the seperate facebook and blog (
by Rita Jean Moran (

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Lost Tribes of Israel and Christians in Ancient Japan?

There appears to be some connections between the Japanese Hata clan with the lost tribes of Israel and Christians:

But the Ainu people are very interesting as well and may be the first people to Japan:

by Rita Jean Moran (


Monday, January 7, 2013

Robotic Library

Kohens, Kahunas, Mende, Shinto, and other Priests/Priestesses

A Kahuna is a Hawaiian name for a ”priest, sorcerer, magician, wizard, minister, expert in any profession”. There are 40 different types of Kahunas. They range from experts in herbal healing to experts in boat making. The missionaries came to Hawaii and outlawed the Kahuna, but there is a revival of the Kahuna, today. The Kahuna communed with the ancient gods to help them in their crafts. Kahunas could be both male and female.
The Kohens are patriarchal priests of Jewish (Hebrew) lineage. According to Wikipedia:
The noun kohen is used in the Torah to refer to priests, both Jewish and non-Jewish, such as the Jewish nation as a whole, as well as the priests (Hebrew kohanim) of Baal (2Kings 10:19). During the existence of the Temple in Jerusalem, Kohanim performed the daily and holiday (Yom Tov) duties of sacrificial offerings.

Kohanim sounds very similar to Kahuna. Christian priests are referred to as Komer in Hebrew. I have also seen pictures and stories of Tahitian temples that contained animal pens for pigs that were sacrificed to the gods of the temple.
There are 24 different types of Kohens. Per wikipedia:
King David assigned each of the 24 priestly clans to a weekly watch (Hebrew mishmeret ?????) during which its members were responsible for maintaining the schedule of offerings at the Temple in Jerusalem (1Chronicles 24:3-5). This instated a cycle of ‘priestly courses’ or ‘priestly divisions’which repeated itself roughly twice each year.
A picture of a grave site shows the Kohanim blessing:

There are female and male priests/priestesses in all ancient cultures.  The Mende people have both as well.
The Poro prepares men for leadership in the community, so they might attain wisdom, accept responsibility, and gain power. It begins with the child's grade of discovery, followed by extensive training and service. During the seven-year initiation period, the young men converse with each other using a secret language and password, known only to other Poro members. The member always knows and understands what is being said. This is part of the mystery of this secret society.
All Mende women when they reach puberty begin the initiation process into the Sande society. The goals of this secret society are to teach young Mende women the responsibilities of adulthood. The girls are taught to be hard working and modest in their behavior, especially towards their elders. Sande influences every aspect of a Mende woman's life; it is present before birth and still present after.

The Shinto religion of the Japanese also has female and male priests.

The word Shinto ("Way of the Gods") was adopted from the written Chinese (神道, pinyinshén dào),[4] combining two kanji: "shin"(?), meaning "spirit" or kami; and "(?), meaning a philosophical path or study (from the Chinese word dào).[3][4] Kami are defined in English as "spirits", "essences" or "deities", that are associated with many understood formats; in some cases being human-like, in others being animistic, and others being associated with more abstract "natural" forces in the world (mountains, rivers, lightning, wind, waves, trees, rocks). Kami and people are not separate; they exist within the same world and share its interrelated complexity.[3]

Many ancient cultures have priests/priestesses who were given beneficial knowledge for the tribe.  It is sort of like small apprentice schools.  The priestess/priest cults were all over the world before many were wiped out and outlawed.
by Rita Jean Moran (

Geb and Nut

Geb and Nut were the parents of Osiris, Isis, Set, and Nephthys.  According to wikipedia:

The oldest representation in a fragmentary relief of the god, was as an anthropomorphic bearded being accompanied by his name, and dating from king Djoser's reign, 3rd Dynasty, and was found in Heliopolis. In later times he could also be depicted as a ram, a bull or a crocodile (the latter in a vignet of the Book of the Dead - papyrus of the lady Heryweben in the Egyptian MuseumCairo).
Frequently described mythologically as father of snakes (one of the names for snake was s3-t3 - 'son of the earth' and in a Coffin Texts-spell Geb was described as father of the snake Nehebkau, while his mother was in that case Neith) and therefore depicted sometimes as such. In mythology Geb also often occurs as a primeval divine king ofEgypt from whom his son Osiris and his grandson Horus inherited the land after many contendings with the disruptive god Set, brother and killer of Osiris. Geb could also be regarded as personified fertile earth and barren desert, the latter containing the dead or setting them free from their tombs, metaphorically described as 'Geb opening his jaws', or imprisoning those there not worthy to go to the fertile North-Eastern heavenly Field of Reeds. In the latter case, one of his otherworldly attributes was an ominous jackal-headed stave (called wsr.t) rising from the ground unto which enemies could be bound.

by Rita Jean Moran (




There have been many staffs associated with gods/goddesses through out history.  Here are some of them:







by Rita Jean Moran (


Sunday, January 6, 2013

Cannibalism Still Exists in Papua New Guinea

If you are part of my younger audience, this video may not be appropriate for you (ask your parents before watching).  If you are part of my older audience, I debated about listing this video on this blog because of the subject content.  I decided to do so to show what is still occurring in the world and what it may have been like for the persons known as Osiris and Isis and what they were up against when they spread their teachings.  Where these tribal ideas came from, I do not know for sure.  All I can offer up is the research I've done on the ancient Giants (Nephilim) who practiced cannibalism after a global war.


by Rita Jean Moran (

The Third Temple and the Staff

The Lord's Prayer

Our Father who art in Heaven,
Hallowed be thy name,
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven,
Give us this day, our daily bread,
And forgive  us of our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us,
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil

For yours is the kingdom now and forever.

This was a prayer I learned long ago.  What strikes me are the passages about "give us our daily bread" and "the kingdom" parts.  The idea of giving bread to the human race stems from the tales of Osiris and Isis.

According to Diodorus Siculus I in Books I-II:

Osiris was the first, they record, to make mankind give up cannibalism; for after Isis had discovered the fruit of both wheat and barley which grew wild over the land along with the other plants but was still unknown to man, and Osiris had also devised the cultivation of the fruits, all men were glad to change their food, both because of the pleasing nature of the newly-discovered grains and because it seemed to their advantage to refrain from their butchery of one another.

It is also said that Osiris built a temple to his parents:

Osiris they add, also built a temple to his parents, Zeus and Hera, which was famous both for its size and its costliness in general, and two golden chapels to Zeus, the larger one to him as god of heaven, the smaller one to him as former king and father of the Egyptians, in which role he is called by some Ammon.

After teaching the Egyptians about agriculture, Osiris traveled the world with a great army:

Of Osiris, they say that, being of a beneficient turn of mind, and eager for glory, he gathered together a great army, with the intention of visiting all of the inhabited earth and teaching the race of men how to cultivate the vine and sow wheat and barley; for he supposed that if he made men give up their savagery and adopt a gentle manner of life he would receive immortal honours because of the magnitude of his benefactions.
It is also written in this book that the time of the rule of Osiris and Isis was as follows:

The number of years from Osiris and Isis, they say, to the reign of Alexander, who founded the city which bears his name in Egypt, is over ten thousand, but according to other writers, a little less than twenty-three thousand.   

What I find interesting is the commonality of the bread in the temple as well as the shape of many temples around the world.  The majority of temples are rectangular and there is much talk about rebuilding a third temple in Jerusalem.

Rectangular Polynesian Temple

Rectangular temple of Lono in Oahu

The communal bread or showbread is present in the churches/temples of today, as part of the religious ceremony.  I do not know if Polynesian rectangular temples included ceremonies with bread, but the god Lono was an agricultural god.

The staff is also present among many priesthoods.  Osiris had a crook staff and a flail.  Aaron had a rod and so did Moses.  Shiva and Queztlcoatl and Poseidon all had trident rods.  All pharaohs had staffs and royalty carry scepters.

Aaron's rod refers to any of the staves carried by Moses' brother, Aaron, in the Old Testament of the Bible. The Bible tells how, along with Moses' rod, Aaron's rod was endowed with miraculous power during the Plagues of Egypt that preceded the Exodus. There are two occasions where the Bible tells of the rod's power even when it was not being held by its owner.

It is my belief that modern priestcrafts and religions all stem from the stories of Osiris and Isis and their parents (the father and mother god/goddess).  The timing of Osiris' and Isis' rule in Diodorus Siculus matches the timing in Manetho's writings.  The jews call their god Adonai.  It sounds very similar to Adonis.  If you read through my children's series, The Library Kids, and my adult book, Mythological Unification Theory, you will hopefully begin to see and understand the connections.

A sacred fire is also present in Jewish temples.  The same was found in ancient Native American mounds (see my article on Ka-Do-Ha Indian Village).  It appears to me, that all ancient systems of religion came from the same source but they contain variations in names (see Mythological Unification Theory) and most became corrupt with cannibalism, human and animal sacrifices, and haughty priests who hoarded the knowledge.  The sooner people figure this out, the sooner they can undo their bondage under a veil of lies and begin to understand the true history that occurred on this planet.  It is of no wonder to me, that the content of the writings of ancient Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Mayans, Aztecs, Celts, Nordics and others is not taught in the schools.


by Rita Jean Moran (


Friday, January 4, 2013

Atlantis- The Lost Continent

Original Artwork

Here are just a few pieces of my original artwork (some in oil and some in acrylic).  Art is another form of communication just like music, math, science, literature, and mythology and ritual.  I hope I have inspired you to be artistic today or this weekend.

Tiger by Rita Jean Moran
Bear Behind a Tree by Rita Jean Moran
Elephants by Rita Jean Moran
Owls by Rita Jean Moran
The ships were drawn on the canvas by my Dad, but he did not get a chance to put the paint on it before he died.  I finished the painting.
Ships by Rita Jean Moran and Eugene Moran
by Rita Jean Moran (

Mythological Unification Theory

The Mythological Unification theory is an attempt to look at all ancient mythologies across the globe and show the common source that they all came from.  Following the stories of old, one can conclude that a war of nuclear proportions occurred on this planet thousands of years ago and the winners restarted civilization by teaching rites and sacred knowledge to people all over the Earth using the same system/model of god/goddess stories, symbols, solar and planetary cycles, and sacred architecture.

This book is intended for an adult audience.  It is available in electronic form for the Kindle and Nook only at this time.

More information and copies of the M.U.T. tables can be found here:
Some of my original acrylic paintings were included in the book.  Here they are in color:
Sacred Symbols 2
Sacred Symbols 1
Calendar of Earth Cycles
Osiris, Isis, and Water Girl

by Rita Jean Moran (