The country or islands of Japan were unified about 1400 years ago under the Yamato Clan. Japan has a population of about 128 million people and is one of the most homogenious countries in the world. The traditional religion of Japan is Shintoism. It involves the honoring of the ancestors. There are Shinto Priests and Priestessess which is a common thing for all older religions.
Shintoism involves the worship of Kami, or divine forces of nature. Shinto worshippers believe in the Kami of every thing. There are over 8 million gods and goddesses in the Japanese pantheon, but the major ancient gods and goddesses of Shintoism are as follows:
- Izanagi was the first god of the earth who created the world. He was the father of Amaterasu, Tsuki-yomi, and Susano.
- Izanami was the wife of Izanagi and the Goddess of the Earth.
- Kagu-Zuchi was the fire god. He was the last child of Izangi and Izanami.
- Amaterasu was the Sun Goddess and Ruler of Heaven.
- Tsuki-yomi was the God of the Moon and brother of Amatersau.
- Susano was the Storm God and brother of Amaterasu.
- Wakahiru-me was the younger sister of Amaterasu and Goddess of the Rising Sun.
- Kusa-nada-hime was the Rice Paddy Princess and wife of Susano.
- O-Kuni-Nushi was the God of Medicine and Sorcery and he was the son of Susano.
- Ame-no-Oshido-Mimi was the Son of Amaterasu who refused to go to Earth because it was too full of problems.
- Ninigi was the grandson of Amaterasu who finally went to Earth to reign.
- Kono-Hana-Sukuya-Himi was the daugher of a mountain god and wife of Ninigi.
- Takami-Musubi was one of Amaterasu's chief assistants.
- Amo-No-Uzume was a solar deity and Goddess of the Dawn.
- Inari was a Rice God and God of Prosperity.
- Ryujin was the God of the Ocean.
As with all mythologies, there are stories of heroes and wars and catastrophes. The emperors were of "royal blood" meaning they were descended from a god or goddess. In Japan, the royal family is descended from Amaterasu. The dragon is also a prominent figure in Japan.
By Rita Jean Moran (
Japanese Gods and Myths by Chartwell Books (creative commons licensed by Nikita)
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