Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mayan Mythology

The Mayans were a people that inhabited the Yucatan Peninsula that is now part of Mexico.  The Maya also inhabited the countries of Guatemala, Belize, northern El Salvador and western Honduras.  They consisted of several city-states ruled by kings.  I had visited the ancient city of Tulum years ago and found out that the Maya still exist in Mexico.  They never disappeared as some have suggested.  They still live in villages and wear traditional clothing.  The ruins of Tulum included an observatory, evidence of Mayan advancements in Math, and the history of the human sacifice as well.

Per Wikipedia, some of their main gods included the following:

  • Ahau Chamahez A god of medicine and good health.
  • Bacab *L* [god N Old god of the interior of the earth and of thunder, sky-carrier, fourfold.

  • Chac *L* The god of Storms, enemy of Camazotz
  • Itzamna The founder of the Maya culture, he taught his people to grow maize and [[Theobroma cacao], as well as writing, calendars, and medicine. Once mentioned as the father of the Bakabs. Connected to Kinich Ahau and Hunab Ku.
  • Ixchel *L* [goddess O] Jaguar goddess of midwifery and medicine.
  • Kukulkán The plumed serpent. A Mayan aspect of the Mesoamerican traditional God Quetzalcoatl.
  • Yaluk One of four Mopan 'Grandfathers' of the earth and chief lightning god.

There are many other gods/goddesses that are listed in the sources below.  Please click the links for further information.

Here are a few pictures (over 20 years old) that I took at Tulum:

By Rita Jean Moran (www.thelibrarykids.com)





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